[ESIP-AQ] GEOSS Architecture Chart for Air Quality

Rudolf Husar rhusar at me.wustl.edu
Thu Mar 13 16:15:29 EDT 2008

Hello George,

Long time, no talk. Working on the GEOSS Architecture must be a pretty
daunting task.

Here is an Architecture-related question that we were addressing in the
context of the upcoming AIP Air Quality  Scenario: How do we link our Air
Quality Community and applications programs into the GEOSS infrastructure..

Linked here<http://capita.wustl.edu/capita/capitareports/080314_GEOSS_AQ_Architecture/GEOSS_Arch_Schem_080313rbh.ppt>,
please find a set of architectural diagrams that would extend your earlier
diagrams by incorporating the features deemed necessary for the Air Quality

Maybe we could discuss this tomorrow at the Air Quality Cluster telecon.
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