[ESIP-AQ] Registration support for EPA Feds for ESIP Summer Meeting

McCabe.David at epamail.epa.gov McCabe.David at epamail.epa.gov
Tue May 12 16:09:49 EDT 2009

Hi Folks,

Sorry for all the messages, but I wanted to make sure I caught the eye
of the EPA Feds who are thinking about the ESIP Summer Meeting...

EPA's Office of the Science Advisor (G. Foley) will be able to pay the
registration fee of a number of EPA employees attending the Summer
Meeting.  I don't have a maximum number from Gary, but we should be able
to support many or all of those from EPA who are planning to attend the
AQ sessions.  Registration is $350 so this is significant.

If you are an EPA employee planning to attend, please let me know by
Friday May 22.  If you are not sure if you will be attending but would
like to be considered, please let me know.

Best, David

David McCabe, PhD
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow
US EPA, Office of Research and Development (8104R)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20460
202 564 0016

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