[ESIP-AQ] Feedback sought: assessment of air quality data providers and users

Falke, Stefan R (IS) Stefan.Falke at ngc.com
Tue Jun 1 13:46:19 EDT 2010

CyAir <http://cyair.net/about>  is a new EPA funded project that
contributes to the planning, development, maintenance and coordination
of systems to help the air quality community better utilize air quality
related information within a Cyberinfrastructure for Air Quality
Management. We are seeking your feedback on the quality of a
questionnaire being developed to assess the current state of air quality
One of CyAir's initial efforts is to assess data providers and data
users of air quality projects, programs and systems. A questionnaire
<http://cyair.net/node/46>  has been developed to collect information
from air quality data providers on their data products, dissemination
methods and collaboration with other groups and from users on their data
needs and data usage. The questionnaire is based on information gathered
during previous efforts in which the ESIP Air Quality Workgroup was
involved, including the Air Quality Data Summit, Air Quality Workgroup
meeting at the 2009 ESIP Summer meeting, and the air quality meeting
during the GEO-VI Plenary. 
We know that others within the broader ESIP community have been involved
in similar characterization and assessment efforts across earth science
domains and would appreciate any insight, lessons learned or other
feedback based on your experiences. Are we asking the right questions?
Will responses to the questionnaire provide the information we are
seeking? Please provide you thoughts either though online comments
<http://cyair.net/node/46>  (note: you should register with the site in
order to post to the site) or via an email response. 
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Stefan Falke
Steve Ludewig
Tim Dye

Link to Questionnaire

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