[Esip-citationguidelines] update on winter meeting session, posters, telecon, comparisons

Parsons, Mark parsom3 at rpi.edu
Fri Nov 30 12:23:51 EST 2018

Hi all,

We’re a Cluster now. Woo Hoo! Here’s an update on things.

Jessica proposed two sessions for the Winter Meeting. One as a working session to finish off our basic use case, and another to explore the broader issue of research object identification and reference. Unfortunately, we were only granted one session, so we decided to do the broader research object session which will have more diverse interest.  We will also present a 5 min. update at the State of ESIP session.

I would still like to find a time for at least small group to get together to try and finalize the first version of the revised guidelines. We could try and do it over lunch or something, but that’s not likely to be very productive. We also still need to do the cross-agency comparisons. Ideas?

I don’t recall if we agreed to have a telecon this week, but I would like to hijack it to discuss the two AGU posters a few of us agreed to do.
Current authors are: Matt, Mark, Ruth, Nancy, and Rama. I will be emailing them separately, but if you are interested I am happy to add co-authors. The topics are Provenance and Landing Pages. See: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O3kjs6HDWTucAN3eey-P2qPWJbnuTd72p5BPh5LxJp4/edit#

Finally, do share ideas on what we could do with the session at Winter Meeting.



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