[Esip-preserve] AGU Fall 2018 Meeting - Session IN 001 - Accelerating scientific discovery through data, software, workflow, service, and repository evaluation

Hampapuram Ramapriyan hampapuram.ramapriya at ssaihq.com
Thu Jul 5 15:12:37 EDT 2018

Dear Colleagues, 

The AGU 2018 Fall Meeting will be held on 10-14, Dec. 2018 in Washington, DC. The meeting website is now open for submission of abstracts. We would like to welcome your submission to the following session. 


Session ID: 52895 
Session Title: IN001. Accelerating scientific discovery through data, software, workflow, service, and repository evaluation 
Section/Focus Group: Earth and Space Science Informatics

Session Description:

Science has a tradition of evaluating works being prepared for publication via the peer-review process. As scientific practices evolve, the next era of publication will also expose the data and computational workflows that underlie the published results. As such, various evaluation methods have emerged to assess their quality and maturity. Examples of these assessment methods are dataset and stewardship maturity matrices, software reuse readiness levels, technology readiness levels, standards for assessing repositories, and principles for ensuring that data are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable, i.e. FAIR compliant. Reporting on assessment activities within the Earth and space sciences will be informative and help identify similarities and differences among such efforts, enabling session participants to determine a set of recommended practices that can be applied to future evaluation efforts. This session includes presentations of current assessment efforts around data, software, computational workflows, services, and repositories. 


Primary Section/Focus Group: Earth and Space Science Informatics 

SWIRL Theme: Data & Emerging Technologies 

Live Stream/On-Demand?: Yes 

Primary Convener:  Robert Downs, Columbia University of New York, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Palisades NY 


Annie Burgess, Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Chung-Yi Hou, UCAR / NCAR, Boulder CO

H. K. Ramapriyan (Rama), Science Systems and Applications, Inc. & NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD


Final Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 August, 11:59 P.M. ET

The submission link is: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm18/prelim.cgi/Session/ <https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm18/prelim.cgi/Session/52895> 52895  

We look forward to your contribution and participation at the AGU meeting. 



H. K. Ramapriyan (Rama)

Science Systems and Applications, Inc.

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Hampapuram.Ramapriyan at ssaihq.com

(805) 402-7125


Note: I am not a government employee and have no legal authority to obligate any federal, state, or local government to perform any action or payment.


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