[Esip-public-private-partnerships] ESIP Open Science cluster

Hewson, Jenny (GSFC-423.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC] jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov
Mon May 23 15:31:38 EDT 2022

Dear Public-Private Partnerships cluster-

The Open Science cluster was recently approved by ESIP. This cluster aims to create a Community of Champions around open science, and is most timely given the urgent need to amplify open science that is accessible, inclusive, equitable, transparent, and guided by a vast array of stakeholder groups. Cynthia Hall and I are co-leading this cluster, and we are enthusiastic to engage with other clusters, including the Public-Private Partnerships cluster, to introduce the new cluster, identify collaborative opportunities, and share mutual interests/needs, etc.

We'd be happy to join an upcoming Public-Private Partnerships cluster monthly telecon to briefly introduce the Open Science cluster, and we invite you to join the Open Science cluster monthly telecons.

Cluster telecon schedule: Fourth Tuesday of each month (@12pm East) - next telecon is Tuesday 24th May

  *   To Join Zoom Meeting
     *   https://esipfed-org.zoom.us/j/81704254783?pwd=cjQxZW1mUGZpdlg3MDdJUUp1ZGl6UT09
     *   Meeting ID: 817 0425 4783
     *   Passcode: 784237
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     *   Find your local number: https://esipfed-org.zoom.us/u/kpJKyu58I
Finally, the cluster will hold a session during the upcoming ESIP summer meeting in Pittsburgh. The session, Building a Thriving Open Science Community, aims to harness the ever increasing momentum around open science to: (1) highlight key characteristics of successful open science initiatives and projects, (2) share commonalities that may exist in the barriers/pain points experienced as open science communities develop, and (3) discuss opportunities to scale successes and overcome barriers/pain points.

Thanks in advance,
Jenny Hewson and Cynthia Hall

Preferred name: Jenny Hewson
jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov<mailto:jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov>
C: 443.474.3244

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