[Esip-schema-dot-org] Sharing endorsement news - Twitter handles and permission to share names on social media

Allison Mills allisonmills at esipfed.org
Tue Sep 27 10:36:43 EDT 2022

Hi All,

Congrats again on the SOSO guidance endorsement by the ESIP Partner

I am working with the other ESIP staff and the cluster co-chairs to get the
word out. First, we need to notify the Partner Assembly, then we will share
the ESIP and broader Earth science data community.

As a part of that, I would like to include all the co-authors in social
media posts. It's my understanding that everyone agreed to being listed as
authors in the citation, but I still like to make sure I get permission
before tagging anyone or their institution. Plus, if you want to be tagged,
then I need to know your handle and any orgs you represent.

I have a running list (copied below). Please reply back to me with your
handle(s) if you would like to be tagged. If I don't receive permission, I
will still list you as a co-author on LinkedIn but will not tag you or your
institution(s) on either LinkedIn or Twitter.


*Allison Mills *
*Comms Manager, ESIP*
allisonmills at esipfed.org

*List of SOSO v 1.3.0 co-authors for social media:*

Adam Shepherd - BCO-DMO, WHOI @ashep_15 @BCODMO

Matt Jones (@metamattj, @DataONEorg)

Stephen Richard

Nicholas Jarboe

Dave Vieglais

Douglas Fils

Ruth Duerr

Chantelle Verhey - LI, no TW

Melinda Minch @nein09

Bryce Mecum

Nokome Bentley

Charles Vardeman

Simon Cox

Dan Brickley

Beth Huffer

John Graybeal

Helen Peat

Chantel Risdale

Megan Carter LI, no TW

 Lewis John McGibbney
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