[Esip-scicomm] SciComm cluster call time

Denise Hills dhills at gsa.state.al.us
Wed Feb 3 11:22:11 EST 2016

Thank you all for participating in the doodle poll!

It looks like the best time for our call (for now at least) will be on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, at 4pm ET, 3pm CT, 2pm MT, 1pm PT. That means our first call will be on Feb. 10!

I’m sorry that the time won’t accommodate all of us - we’ll try to do things in such a way that even when you can’t be on a call, you can still participate - through Slack or other means.

I’ll send out a tentative agenda closer to the date. If you have anything you’d like raised, let me know!


Denise Hills
Director, Energy Investigations
Geological Survey of Alabama
+1-205-247-3694 (office)
+1-205-239-8191 (cell)
dhills at gsa.state.al.us<mailto:dhills at gsa.state.al.us>

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