[esip-semanticweb] [esdswg-semantics] Next telecon for 2013 ESDSWG Working Group - Publishing NASA Metadata for Semantic Mashups (Sep 3, 4 PM ET)

Wilson, Brian D (335G) bdwilson at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Aug 28 20:27:05 EDT 2013

Hi Folks,

The next telecon for the Semantic Mashups ESDS Working Group will be next Tuesday,
September 3 at 4 PM EST.

 - Demo:  Presentation by Tom Narock on the AGU Datasets Mashup (see below)
 - Discussion of the draft of the "Best Practices for Semantic Apps" document
 - Prepare for report out at October ESDSWG Meeting
 - Discuss follow-on activities for next year's work

Join meeting:  https://mpweb7.jpl.nasa.gov/a/e2543b69dbf3788629ebff6578084a41
Meeting ID:    0665
MeetingPlace Phone Number       818-354-3434
Toll Free Number        1-866-328-8761

(1) Tom Narock will give a presentation and demo an app. for verifying your AGU
abstracts and relating them to Dataset records in ECHO and GCMD.

This mashup has been enabled by him and Eric Rozell publishing AGU abstracts
as Linked Open Data (LOD), and B. Wilson publishing a prototype LOD for the
dataset metadata from ECHO and GCMD.  This app. serves as a prime example
of the semantic data integration that this WG is trying to foster.  The metadata
is integrated by sending SPARQL queries to multiple endpoints (triple stores),
and then the user relates datasets (used) to the science work in his abstracts
to create more relationships (logical triples), which enrich the set of metadata.
Funding from the ESIP Federation supported Tom and Eric's work.

Okay, I'll stop evangelizing now.  The app. will be back up for the demo with
the URL provided shortly.  Here is Tom's announcement of the app:

Thanks to funding and support from ESIP, we have deployed a web application that gives users the ability to link AGU abstracts to the data used in those abstracts. The current Test Bed project contains historical AGU abstracts (2000 - 2012) and knows about data sets in 3 repositories - Global Change Master Directory, ECHO, and the ocean science's Rolling Deck to Repository. We are currently evaluating the system with historical abstracts, although current abstracts may become possible. 

Our intention is to utilize these linkages during data discovery allowing users to discover items associated with the data such as publications, creators of data, and usages of the data. We are beginning with AGU and aforementioned three repositories with intentions to broaden the project in the near future.

Even if your past AGU presentations did not utilize data sets from one of the three repositories, you can still help us disambiguate our data. We are making AGU, NSF, and ESIP data available as Linked Open Data. In addition to linking abstracts to data, the application will also attempt to find your AGU abstracts, NSF funded projects, and ESIP meeting/cluster participation and allow you to provide linkages between these records.

(2)  Best Practices document:

We will be looking at Tom and Eric's web site as a start on a "Best Practices"
cookbook for developing a semantic app.
See:  http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Linked_Open_Research_Data_for_Earth_and_Space_Science_Informatics

(3) Report out on WG at activities at October meeting:

Everyone who has demonstrated an app. needs to send me your slide decks and current
demo URL's so I can select some slides for the report-out presentation (namely, Deanna,
Nicholas, Beth, Tom, and Hook).  We've seen some great apps. that need to be featured
in the plenary.

A tentative outline for the presentation is as follows:
 - Why publish metadata as LOD in RDF format for mashups (evangelism)
 - How to do it well by reusing RDF/OWL namespaces
 - Featured demos of killer apps. (slides from Deanna/Nicholas, Beth, Tom, and Brian)
 - Accomplishments on publishing more/better LOD, new mashups, smarter search, etc.
 - Progress on "best practices" cookbook
 - Plans for continuing next year

(4) Plans for continuing next year:

Please think about what you would like to see happen next year and bring your ideas to
the telecon or email list.

Potential activities:
 - Publish more metadata as LOD, and improve current RDF sets
 - Work with ECHO, GCMD, and other providers to put the LOD on an operational footing
 - Demonstrate more killer apps or add features to current ones.
 - [Your idea here.]

The charter for the WG is at:

We will be sharing a desktop via MeetingPlace for the presentation.

Talk to you then,

 -- Brian

From: Steve Olding [solding at columbususa.com]
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 2:16 PM
To: Wilson, Brian D (335G)
Cc: luther.lighty-1 at nasa.gov
Subject: 2013 ESDSWG Working Groups - Publishing NASA Metadata for Semantic Mashup


Below is the list of people who have expressed interest in this working group. Also attached is copy of the sign-up sheets from the ESDSWG meeting.

I suggest that you make initial contact the people who had shown an interest in actively participating in this group (leader or contributor) and confirm that they are still interested. You should also take a look at the people who added their names to the old wiki - some of these were unable to attend the meeting and may be interested in getting actively involved.  Your objective should be to identify the small group of people who are willing to commit to actively contributing to this activity. All of the WGs have a long list of people who are interested as 'observers' but we can deal with these later. Let's try to identify the people who will actually be contributing to this group first.


Brian Wilson    brian.d.wilson at nasa.gov<mailto:brian.d.wilson at nasa.gov>
Hook Hua    hook.hua at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:hook.hua at jpl.nasa.gov>

Anne Wilson    anne.wilson at lasp.colorado.edu<mailto:anne.wilson at lasp.colorado.edu>
Benjamin White
Beth Huffer    beth at lingualogica.net<mailto:beth at lingualogica.net>
Bhaskar Ramachandran    bhaskar at usgs.gov<mailto:bhaskar at usgs.gov>
Brendan Billingsley    billinb at nsidc.org<mailto:billinb at nsidc.org>‎
Christopher Lynnes    chris.lynnes at nasa.gov<mailto:chris.lynnes at nasa.gov>
Dan Pilone    dan at element84.com<mailto:dan at element84.com>
Deana Pennington    ddpennington at utep.edu<mailto:ddpennington at utep.edu>
Kathleen Baynes    kathleen.baynes at nasa.gov<mailto:kathleen.baynes at nasa.gov>
Rahul Ramachandran    rahul.ramachandran at uah.edu<mailto:rahul.ramachandran at uah.edu>
Ted Habermann    ted.habermann at noaa.gov<mailto:ted.habermann at noaa.gov>

Curt Tilmes
Meemong Lee

Andrew Michaelis
Armando Barreto
Dave Meyer
Helen Conover
Jason Hyon
Luther Lighty
Pamela Rinsland
Randy Dye
Valeriy Kovalskyy

Mike Little

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