[esip-semantictech] Ontology portal recommendations

Ruth Duerr ruth.duerr3 at gmail.com
Fri May 20 20:30:56 EDT 2016

Well… I finally have started updating the ESIP Ontology Portal Evaluation page at http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Semantic_Web_Ontology_Portal_Evaluation_Approach <http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Semantic_Web_Ontology_Portal_Evaluation_Approach> with some of my requirements.  Why?  Well… the PURL.org <http://purl.org/> site is no longer accepting logins (OCLC seems to be abandoning this) and I can’t get in to redirect the location of any of my ontologies to be in either github (as migrated from google code) or the ESIP ontology portal.    So yet another example of the instability of infrastructure in the USA today.

I also can’t edit/update my ontologies in the current ESIP portal to get rid of those mentions of purl.org <http://purl.org/> and google code…  

This means that my current project is stuck unless I edit every file to hardcode in the github location and keep everything locally - a solution that works for me at the moment; but certainly doesn’t make those resources reusable by anyone else anywhere….  Very annoying….  

Anybody have any suggestions as to better ways to proceed at this point?  I have a current funded project which is reusing those darn sea ice ontologies and I hate having to waste time on this sort of !#$(*&$#$(*)$*@^# stuff…. Yes, migration is migration; but really I’m not migrating my work, I am having to migrate the rest of the semantic infrastructure world!


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