[esip-semantictech] Ecology ontologies

John Graybeal jbgraybeal at mindspring.com
Fri Jul 13 11:52:26 EDT 2018

Hi Justin,

Can you please share your previous assignment’s results with the list? The community would be very interested in your conclusions, especially after contributing to them!

What would be especially powerful is that if you find vocabularies that are *not* in any of the repositories mentioned below, describing those to this community would let the repositories encourage their submission. (Now *there* is a worthy community project for the ESIP semantic community!)

Just by search for ‘ECO’ I found the following in different repositories. I haven’t looked into any of these but since you hadn’t mentioned your process I thought I should double-check that you are aware of them.  You should search not just on a few letters in an ontology name as I did, but also individual terms that would be represented in an ontology that you would like to use.  

At MMI ORR (http://mmisw.org) I see Ecological Mapping and Ecological Roles and the Carbon Cycle, and (most relevant even if oldest) a CMECS Habitat Classification Network vocabulary.

Have you looked at BioPortal (http://bioportal.bioontology.org)?  Entering ‘eco’ into the Find an ontology box yields Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology and The Ecosystem Ontology (not ECO of OBO).

Going to AgroPortal (http://agroprotal.bioontology.org) finds also Agroecology Knowledge Management ontology. I would expect more ontologies here that are related to your interest.

At the OBO Foundry (http://www.obofoundry.org) I see the Biological Collections Ontology, ecocore (core ecological entities), and FOODON (entities which bear a ‘food role).

At Linked Open Vocabularies (http://lov.okfn.org/) I found various hits searching for ecosys, ecolog, and ecozone (!). ‘Eco’ found so many hits I wasn’t willing to search through them today.

The LOD cloud I found nothing. 

I think the concepts expressed by Scott Peckham’s CSDMS to be compelling, but it is not a composable model and may not be in any repository. 

I expect EPA might have some relevant vocabularies as well.

Also please consider that just because an ontology is not immediately available does not mean you should exclude it from consideration. Sometimes older ontologies become unavailable, but might be exactly what you need, and they can be easily reconstituted if a need exists (and should be for historical use anyway!).  For example you can contact the OBO Foundry to ask if they know about ECO.

I might suggest that if you send your semi-final lists to this list, and support lists for the OBO Foundry, BIoPortal, and AgroPortal, you may find a few more suggestions popping up from those communities.


John Graybeal
jbgraybeal at mindspring.com
skype: graybealski
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/johngraybeal/

> On Jul 12, 2018, at 07:44, Justin Goldstein - NOAA Affiliate via esip-semanticweb <esip-semanticweb at lists.esipfed.org> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>   In Vol 111, Issue 7 of this list, I had inquired about "NOAA Ontologies" in order to assist with some vocabulary work associated with my job.  Thank you to all for great suggestions.  I have completed that part of my assignment but am now in need for ontologies that could be used to describe ecological processes, the context being to look at terrestrial ecological processes that are measurable and quantifiable from space.
>    Basically, I'm looking for an ontology that contains and relates items such as trophic levels, food webs, Gross Primary production, aquatic biogeochemistry, nitrogen deposition, photosynthesis, etc. 
>    I've done a lot of research.  The OBO Eco <http://www.obofoundry.org/ontology/ecocore.html> seems intriguing but navigating to the .owl file produces a 404 error.  Similarly, the PCO <https://code.google.com/archive/p/popcomm-ontology/> is now closed.  SWEET doesn't seem to have the granularity needed, and Darwin Core isn't quite what I'm looking for since it focuses more on geology/paleontology.  I didn't see much pertaining to the above terms in the ESIP COR.
>    The best I've found so far is this SeaDataNet ontology <http://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/collection/P03/current/> on the NERC Vocabulary Server.
>    Ideally, I'd really something that both fits the criteria described above and which is actively being updated and used so that I could justify the selection of the ontology.
>    Any ideas would be appreciated.
>    Thank you very much.
>    Justin
> -- 
> ________________________
> Justin Goldstein, Ph.D.
> Observing Systems and Operations Analysis
> Technology, Planning and Integration for Observation (TPIO) Division;
> NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS)
> Employed By Riverside Technology
> 1335 East-West Highway Room 5305
> Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA
> (301) 427-2564
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