[Esip-sustainabledm] ESIP cluster, sustainable DM, call Friday 7/8

Margaret O'Brien margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu
Thu Jul 7 17:53:29 EDT 2016

Hi all -
We have a call tomorrow -- the last one before the ESIP meeting. Here is 
the connection info:

====Second Friday of the month, 4PM EST====

Agenda items:
First - the poster about our cluster, due July 15
a general overview of our cluster and activities. All collaboration 
areas were asked to create these, the ESIP staff will print them.

It should be editable by all

Poster has two main features
A. the role-based data ecosystem that Shelly and Erin created
B. text in bullet pts for each of the three activity areas - mostly 
gleaned from the Tempe notes
Hopefully - the graphic (small version is attached) helps tie things 
together - thanks Shelley and Erin. The text is reproduced below this 
msg, in case for some reason you cannot see the google link, but still 
want to approve content.

Second agenda item:
the meeting itself:
Gap session:
do we have our speakers for Gap analysis? Margaret (self) and Matt have 
been on the calls, but I have not heard from Kerstin. Cynthia, have you?

ROI session:
several people who have been on that project have said they won't be 
able to attend on Thursday (Anne, Nancy). Without them, what are we 
doing at that session?

Text from the poster:

Develop a framework for describing the Return on Investment (ROI) in 
data repositories

Quantitative and qualitative methods for studying ROI

Initial task: Literature review of what has already been done in this 
area. Summarize and discuss (Summer 2016):
Categories of repository stakeholders
Reason(s) for carrying out the analysis
How were similarities/differences among data repositories defined or 
How is value to stakeholders defined / discussed?
What metrics used to measure the value?

Consistent repository design focused on sustaining data, rather than the 
repositories themselves

Sustainability of data, not the repositories themselves
Better adherence to standards, robust interoperability in spite of 
Unified framework, e.g., an implementation plan sitting above the OAIS 
reference model

Initial task: compile a list of existing frameworks and architecture

Describe the landscape of data services offered by repositories and 
identify gaps

Define features of repositories, e.g., strengths, communities served, 
connections among them
Understand their approaches to cross-repository shared infrastructure, 
services and tools
Determine where users may require improved services
Help users to decide what repositories match their needs

Initial task: examine COPDESS, re3data

Margaret O'Brien
Information Management
Marine Science Institute, UCSB
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
805-893-2071 (voice)

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