[Esip-sustainabledm] ESIP Sustainable Data Mgt -- Call(s) this week, other reminders

Margaret O'Brien margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu
Tue Oct 17 12:55:42 EDT 2023

Hi all -
Reminders for this week:

*1. Our regular cluster call, Friday, Oct 20, 4 PM Eastern*
The agenda
a) an update on the CARE paper work (see #2, #3 below)
b) continued discussion on metadata work related to CARE (se notes)

Here are our cluster notes:
Connection info:
Meeting ID: 843 0877 9180
Passcode: 772802

*2. AZ collaboratory call*
For those of you who are working on the repository recommendations/CARE
paper, we have a meeting with the AZ collaboratory group *2 hours before*
before our regular meeting -- so that is at 2 PM Eastern (11 AM PDT/AZ
time). For that, our agenda will be to go over their comments on our
repository-activity:CARE-principle relationships. Here is the zoom link.

*3. AZ collaboratory prep*
Please refer to Ruth's Oct 4 email to our smaller group. She has been doing
loads of work to align our assignments with their comments, and needs your
feedback. Email me or Ruth if you need a resend of that message. Links to
docs are also on our notes page, above.

See you Friday -

Margaret O'Brien
ORCID: 0000-0002-1693-8322
Information Management
Marine Science Institute, UCSB
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
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