[ESIP-all] NSF-sponsored Semantic Software Hackathon

Ruth Duerr ruth.duerr3 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 12:24:43 EDT 2016

Sent from my iPad

We are seeking student and professional:

-domain geoscientists in earth, ice or ecology, who want to improve their skills in informatics and computational linguistics, and
-computational linguists with an interest in earth sciences applications
to come to Boulder for a knockout event! All participation will fully funded—including travel, housing, and meals for a week. The hackathon is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and will bring together linguists and earth scientists to tackle selected machine learning and semantics problems in geoscience.
Who are we?

CLEAR is the Computational Language and EducAtion Research institute at the University of Colorado Boulder. CLEAR is a leader in computational linguistics, with funding from the biomedical field, NSF and DARPA. The project also involves INSTAAR at CU in Boulder, the Smithsonian Institute, and The Ronin Institute.
The ClearEarth project brings together computational linguists and earth scientists to work on porting biomedical technologies into the sciences. The goal of the project is to use annotation, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning (ML) tools to bring about semantic informatics advances in three distinct domains: Geology, Cryology and Biology. This will help with issues like big data, dark data, data discovery and mining, semantic alignment, and query mediation.
Hackathon participants will spend a week tacking semantics-related problems with the help of local experts, linguists and earth scientists. The problems are designed beforehand, and may be in ML, NLP, visualization, ontology, etc. They may relate to a degree at another institution (units may be credited).
Benefits to participants include expanding your professional network, meeting industry and research experts in computational linguistics, receiving training from the CLEAR team, developing a tool to accelerate your research, and enjoying intense collaborative coding. As a bonus: a stay in Boulder Colorado with the Rocky Mountains nearby. A longer stay is permitted.
Important dates:

Hackathon - Jan. 9th to Jan 13th, 2017. Apply early for best chance - preferably by August 15th, 2016. For more information, please visit our website at http://verbs.colorado.edu/hackathon.

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