[ESIP-all] Seeking presenters for the ESIP Teacher Workshop in July

Margaret Mooney margaret.mooney at ssec.wisc.edu
Mon Mar 27 09:58:27 EDT 2023

Hello and Happy Spring!
The ESIP Education Committee will hold an in-person Teacher Workshop at the summer meeting in Burlington<https://www.esipfed.org/meetings> this July. Our working title is "Opening Student Doors to Open Earth Science" and we plan to offer 1.5 days of content.  A focus of the teacher workshop will be the upcoming solar eclipses in October 2023 and April 2024, plus several additional Earth Science-related presentations and activities.

If you plan to attend the ESIP summer meeting and want to present an Earth Science topic or tool applicable to students in grades 6-14 please let us know! The main requirement is that your presentation include a hands-on activity that teachers can interact with while you're in the room to answer questions.

Please reply to this email with a title, your name and affiliation, and 1 or 2 sentences describing the content you'd like to present. Indicate whether your presentation will be 30 minutes or 45 minutes long.

We're happy to provide input if you have questions about what has worked well in the past.
-The ESIP Education Committee

PS - We've made a poster promoting the meeting and teacher workshop that we could send via PDF or PPTX if you're able to display/distribute

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