[ESIP-AQ] AIP-AQ Session at EPA OEI Symposium?

Falke, Stefan R Stefan.Falke at ngc.com
Tue Sep 30 14:23:00 EDT 2008

We're considering proposing a session about the GEOSS AIP-AQ activities
at the EPA OEI Symposium that will be held in Phoenix, AZ Dec 10-12
<http://www.epa.gov/oei/symposium/2008/index.htm> ).    Last year's
Symposium in St. Louis was very informative and it seems like an
appropriate audience to discuss the AIP-AQ effort. The location and
timing of the event will likely make it difficult for many in the AIP-AQ
workgroup to attend but if you are interested and available, let me
know. If we can get 3-4 panelists/presenters in the session, we'll go
ahead and submit the session proposal. Session proposals are due by end
of tomorrow. 

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