[ESIP-AQ] Air Quality & GEOSS meeting, Washington DC, 18 November 2009

McCabe.David at epamail.epa.gov McCabe.David at epamail.epa.gov
Mon Oct 5 16:39:32 EDT 2009

Dear Colleague,

On 18 November 2009, during the GEO Plenary here in Washington DC, US
EPA and partners are convening a meeting on Air Quality and GEOSS.  We
are hoping that you can join us for the meeting.

The meeting will feature presentations about a number of GEOSS-relevant
air quality projects underway in the US, the EU, and other locations.
We are excited about the wide variety of projects that will be
represented, including several which we don't typically hear from in the
US.  Much of the meeting will be set aside for discussion.  We will look
for opportunities for collaboration and coordination between projects,
discuss the GEOSS infrastructure, and discuss activating a GEO Air
Quality Community of Practice.

More details about this meeting, including a preliminary agenda,
detailed discussion topics, and logistics are here:


We will be asking presenters to be very brief so we can hear from a
number of programs with sufficient time for discussion.  To facilitate
this we will provide some background information on the ESIP wiki about
these programs.  You can view the current version of this here:


We would like your feedback on the agenda, discussion topics, and
background information for this meeting.  Please contact me if you have
any questions, including on logistics.  The meeting is open to the
public, but please contact me if you plan to attend.  Please feel free
to pass this along to others who might be interested.

Best, David

David McCabe, PhD
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow
US EPA, Office of Research and Development (8104R)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20460
202 564 0016

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