[Esip-biodata] ESIP BDS Cluster meeting this Thursday

Formel, Stephen K sformel at usgs.gov
Mon Mar 4 17:25:22 EST 2024

Dear Biological Data Standard enthusiasts,

Quick reminder that we're meeting this Thursday, March 7th at 2pm ET.  As planned, we'll be reviewing the aesthetics of the primer guidelines. We'll have special guest Sarah Gao, a USGS Product Designer & Strategist, to help guide us!

The agenda and other relevant info are below.

Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87392729191?pwd=UzdUMWFIenBGMUF5eG1PYjNZMytYdz09
Meeting ID: 873 9272 9191 Passcode: 708422


  1.  Introducing Kyla Richards, new co-chair.

  2.  Introductions for new people

  3.  Updates from other clusters
  4.  Primer Guidelines Aesthetic Review

Our wiki: https://wiki.esipfed.org/Biological_Data_Standards_Cluster<https://wiki.esipfed.org/Biological_Data_Standards_Cluster/BDS_cluster_agendas#Mar_7.2C_2024>

Ciao for now,
Steve Formel
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