[Esip-citationguidelines] DOIs for data at multiple repositories

Parsons, Mark parsom3 at rpi.edu
Tue Jan 29 23:13:05 EST 2019

Oh dear. This is the old location vs. identity problem.

Fundamentally, DOIs and handles are locators. They only work as identifiers when there is appropriate human due diligence.

For your situation, a true identifier, like a content-based identifier could be useful if the two objects are identical at the bit level. But there is still question on how that identifier should resolve.  Even with “identical” objects the question remains of whether you have accessed the authoritative object with relevant provenance or just an older, dated copy.

I think this means the two repos have no choice but to collaborate on how they want citation and related processes to work because the downstream user (or citation) needs to know not only if they have the right object but how it may have changed before and after the time of citation.

It could be useful but probably difficult to specify guidelines on how to do this collaboration (i.e. cross links like others suggest). I don’t see an obvious technical solution.



On 29 Jan 2019, at 11:19, Hausman, Jessica (398G) via Esip-citationguidelines <esip-citationguidelines at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-citationguidelines at lists.esipfed.org>> wrote:

So this is probably more of a PID discussion, but wanted to get people’s opinions on this, I’m probably welcoming a tsunami by doing this. We keep running into this problem of having a dataset that lives in 2 different repositories. While the data should be identical, the provenance isn’t. So should each repository register their own DOI or try to share one, which can be logistically difficult. This would also make for some useful guidelines if they don’t already exist somewhere else.

Jessica Hausman
Jet Propulsion Lab
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
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Pasadena, CA 91109
Tel: +1 818-354-4588
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