[Esip-citationguidelines] Fwd: [pid-instruments] Mapping of the instrument metadata schema onto DataCite

Parsons, Mark parsom3 at rpi.edu
Wed Apr 24 12:56:46 EDT 2019

This should be of interest. The RDA PID for Instruments group has decided to try and use DataCite to register DOIs for instruments. This has led to adoption and perhaps adaption of the DataCite metadata schema.



Begin forwarded message:

From: rolf.krahl <rolf.krahl at helmholtz-berlin.de<mailto:rolf.krahl at helmholtz-berlin.de>>
Subject: [pid-instruments] Mapping of the instrument metadata schema onto DataCite
Date: 24 April 2019 at 10:30:44 MDT
To: Persistent Identification of Instruments WG <pid-instruments at rda-groups.org<mailto:pid-instruments at rda-groups.org>>

Dear all,

as discussed in the meeting last week, I have now prepared a modified
version of an instrument metadata schema mapped onto the DataCite
Metadata Schema 4.2.  That is, assuming we would register instrument
PIDs with DataCite, using their current schema as is, how would the
information from our schema need to be represented in the DataCite
schema.  The mapping mostly follows the suggestions from Ted as sent
to this list two weeks ago.

I pushed the result as a separate branch to GitHub.  Please have a
look at


and share your feedback.  In particular, Ted, please check whether I
missed any of your suggestions.

I also added a list of issues that I see with that mapping, most of
them harmless, but there are also serious ones.  We will need to
discuss this with the DataCite people in the call next monday.

Best regards,

Rolf Krahl <rolf.krahl at helmholtz-berlin.de<mailto:rolf.krahl at helmholtz-berlin.de>>
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB)
Albert-Einstein-Str. 15, 12489 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 8062 12122

Full post: https://www.rd-alliance.org/group/persistent-identification-instruments-wg/post/mapping-instrument-metadata-schema-datacite
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