[Esip-disasters] ESIP Disaster Response Cluster

Law, Emily S (3980) emily.s.law at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Jan 17 19:54:51 EST 2014

Dear All,

Thanks again for those who attended the Disaster Response Sessions last week in DC, and special thanks to our speakers Stuart Frye, Dave Jones and Ana Prados. The presentations have been uploaded to the corresponding ESIP Commons pages for the sessions (http://commons.esipfed.org/node/1821 & http://commons.esipfed.org/node/1822). Also, thanks to Kevin Dobbs for helping with the sessions, and to Ken Keiser, Sara Graves, Hook Hua and Carol Meyer for their help organizing the sessions.

Notes taken during the session are posted on http://tinyurl.com/esip-disaster.  We welcome additional inputs and any notes you might have to share. Please do so by the end of January 2014.

The excellent conversations have convinced us that a ESIP Disaster Response cluster will be beneficial to our community.  Below is a draft mission statement as a start.

The main objective of the Disaster Response Cluster is to facilitate connections and coordinate efforts among data providers, managers and developers of disaster response systems and tools, and end-user communities within ESIP.
Examples of topics that the cluster will address include:

  *   Identify disaster response full-cycle
  *   Map dataset types to disaster types by leveraging existing efforts
  *   Assess and prioritize use cases and user needs
  *   Assess existing capabilities and processes
  *   Assess common architecture patterns to disaster response
  *   Develop webinars or other outreach plans to raise awareness with end-users
Our plan is to schedule a telecon for us to finalize the mission statement and to map out activities we should carry out over the next 6 months targeting the 2014 ESIP Summer meeting. We look forward to your active participation to make this cluster a success!

Have a great weekend,
Emily Law and Karen Moe
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