[Esip-disasters] Disaster Cluster Joint Session with CEOS WGISS - April 17, 2014

Moe, Karen (GSFC-4070) karen.moe at nasa.gov
Thu Apr 17 15:03:24 EDT 2014

All, we are still getting set up here at the WGISS forum. Please pardon the delay…

From: <Moe>, Karen Moe <karen.moe at nasa.gov<mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov>>
Date: Thursday, April 17, 2014 2:21 PM
To: ESIP Disasters <esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org>>
Cc: Richard Moreno <richard.moreno at cnes.fr<mailto:richard.moreno at cnes.fr>>, Stuart Frye <Stuart.W.Frye at nasa.gov<mailto:Stuart.W.Frye at nasa.gov>>, "Kirschbaum, Dalia B. (GSFC-6170)" <dalia.b.kirschbaum at nasa.gov<mailto:dalia.b.kirschbaum at nasa.gov>>
Subject: Re: [Esip-disasters] Disaster Cluster Joint Session with CEOS WGISS - April 17, 2014

Just a reminder that our special session will start shortly.

From: <Moe>, Karen Moe <karen.moe at nasa.gov<mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov>>
Date: Friday, April 11, 2014 11:11 AM
To: ESIP Disasters <esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org>>
Cc: Stuart Frye <Stuart.W.Frye at nasa.gov<mailto:Stuart.W.Frye at nasa.gov>>, Pat Cappelaere <pat at cappelaere.com<mailto:pat at cappelaere.com>>, "Kirschbaum, Dalia B. (GSFC-6170)" <dalia.b.kirschbaum at nasa.gov<mailto:dalia.b.kirschbaum at nasa.gov>>, Richard Moreno <richard.moreno at cnes.fr<mailto:richard.moreno at cnes.fr>>, John Evans <john.evans at gst.com<mailto:john.evans at gst.com>>
Subject: Disaster Cluster Joint Session with CEOS WGISS - April 17, 2014

Please note the change in date for the April Disaster Cluster telecon to Thursday!

Telecon info: Thursday April 17, 2014, noon-2 pm Pacific (3-5 pm Eastern)

  *   A Special ESIP Disasters Cluster / CEOS WGISS Disasters Joint Session
  *   Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493
  *   Attendee access code: 23117220
  *   Webex Info:
     *   Go to http://ESIPfed.webex.com<http://ESIPfed.webex.com/>
     *   Click the meeting center tab and then join next to the Disaster Telecon.
     *   If a password is required, enter the Meeting Password/Attendee Access Code: 23117220
     *   You can then choose to use your computer to join the audio portion of the meeting, or you can use your phone to dial in.
     *   Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493 Global #'s
     *   Attendee access code/Meeting Password: 23117220


  *   Introduction and Status - Karen Moe
  *   Disaster Pilots – Use Case scenario - Stuart Frye
  *   GeoSocial API architecture and demo - Pat Cappelaere
  *   Developing Disasters Terminology: Landslides case study - Dalia Kirschbaum
  *   Recovery Observatory Infrastructure Proposal - Richard Mareno
  *   Mesonets, CubeSats, and Drones, Oh My! Emerging Earth Science / Technologies in Disaster Management - John Evans
  *   Questions, discussion

This opportunity arose to join with the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS) meeting the week of April 14. In place of our 3rd Tuesday, we have a 2-hour session planned on Thursday but you are welcome to join for any portion that interests you. The goal is to share findings from ongoing CEOS activities in disasters to help the ESIP Disasters cluster refine its near-term objectives.

The international CEOS activities supporting disaster risk reduction with agency satellite data has recently formed a Working Group on Disasters, supported by an architecture analysis completed by the WGISS team. This month's briefings will feature the work on the CEOS flood pilot and Recovery Observatory concepts. An outcome of the flood pilots has identified challenges to the full exploitation of satellite data by end users (e.g.,field hydrologists determining when to issue alerts, emergency response personnel, and people in flood areas). Three speakers will describe the scenario illustrating challenges to end users, a GeoSocial API demo to address end user barriers, and experience in developing disasters-themed terminology (for landslides) as a potential solution to some of the barriers to satellite data use. If you missed the ESIP IT&I 'rant and rave' talk on emerging technologies in disaster management, it will be presented here for the WGISS meeting.

As the summer ESIP meeting rapidly approaches, we may have additional meetings to propose and refine what we want to accomplish in July.

ESIP Disasters wiki: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Disasters

Karen and Emily

Karen L. Moe
Earth Science Technology Office esto.nasa.gov
NASA/GSFC MS Code 407  Mobile: (240) 393-8730
Greenbelt, MD  20771   Office: (301) 286-2978
email: Karen.Moe at nasa.gov<applewebdata://E1FFDA6F-C5B3-45AC-A2A7-B1CDCCB399C7/Karen.Moe@nasa.gov> Fax: (301) 286-0321

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