[Esip-disasters] FW: Nepal: DWR Starts Demolition Training of Trainers

Moe, Karen (GSFC-4070) karen.moe at nasa.gov
Wed May 13 13:31:21 EDT 2015

 Another item of interest…Nepal presents many challenging scenarios for emergency response and recovery.

Last fall I attended a capacity building workshop hosted by the World Bank emphasizing a “Build Back Better” campaign for disaster recovery. Martin Bjerregaard from Disaster Waste Recovery spoke at a technology panel. They not only do demolition, but they sort materials for potential reuse in using local resources for rebuilding. I asked him if he had considered how his group might use remote sensing. He said that they can better prepare to recycle demolition waste if they have an estimate of the amount of material present, e.g., cement, steel, … , and where it is located (so they can efficiently place equipment when roads are unaccessible.) Is it feasible to generate such products from satellite data? Ideally this information would be available before disaster strikes. Affected people need shelter immediately, and even retrieving materials from damaged buildings is a risky task. Damage estimates after events are valuable and could help onsite personnel respond more effectively.


From: Disaster Waste Recovery <info at disasterwaste.org<mailto:info at disasterwaste.org>>
Reply-To: "info at disasterwaste.org<mailto:info at disasterwaste.org>" <info at disasterwaste.org<mailto:info at disasterwaste.org>>
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 5:09 AM
To: Karen Moe <karen.moe at nasa.gov<mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov>>
Subject: Nepal: DWR Starts Demolition Training of Trainers

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Nepal: DWR Starts Demolition Training of Trainers

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We now have a debris and demolition team in Nepal working both in the rural areas affected by the April 2015 earthquake as well as in Kathmandu.

Gabor Prudencio, a Demolition Engineer with Brown and Mason Demolition Contractors<http://disasterwasterecovery.cmail1.com/t/t-l-tultdhy-iiukjriti-j/> in the UK, is in Sindupalchowk inspecting the typical types of damage to people’s homes. He is then going to be developing training material on safe demolition practice using locally available tools and materials. We will be conducting Training of Trainers programmes so these trainers can then spread out into the rural areas and support homeowners in their own demolition works.

Currently people are re-entering dangerous, unstable buildings to retrieve their belongings and start removal of some of the debris – all of which can lead to potential collapse of buildings and further loss of life.

Our Training of Trainers will start next week and we will report back on progress. We will also be distributing posters warning homeowners of key dangers relating to unstable buildings and relevant demolition hazards.

For those organisations that are planning demolition, debris and waste works in Nepal please get in contact with Aiden who can be reached on aiden at disasterwaste.org<mailto:aiden at disasterwaste.org>.

For any other issues please contact Martin Bjerregaard on martin at disasterwaste.org<mailto:martin at disasterwaste.org> or tel: +44 7969 725 418.

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[DWR in Nepal]<http://disasterwasterecovery.cmail1.com/t/t-l-tultdhy-iiukjriti-t/>


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