[Esip-disasters] ESIP Strategic Plan and the Disaster LifeCycle 2016 plan for today's telecon March 3

MOE, KAREN (GSFC-407.0)[EMERITUS] karen.moe at nasa.gov
Thu Mar 3 15:15:02 EST 2016

Sorry about the typo on today’s telecon date which is March 3! We will talk soon!

Here are the key points in the ESIP strategy that relate to Disasters. Its really good that the Disaster LifeCycle cluster is highly relevant to the ESIP goals! We can discuss what actions (red) we’re tackling now and identify some targets and dates for 2016. Please take a quick look for our discussion so we can complete our strategic plan due March 8.

Goal 1: Increase the use and value of Earth science data and information

Relevant Themes: Capacity Building and Education/Product Usability

Specific Objective: Promote authoritative data sources

“Identify, promote and showcase trusted authoritative data sources/products for disaster decision making across all member organizations. Leverage Testbed Feedback mechanisms for interagency feedback on specific projects."

Comments: Potential collaboration with the Documentation Cluster, as well as Products & Services (testbed)

Goal 2: Strengthen the ties between observations and user communities (e.g. technologies, research, education and applications)

Relevant Themes: Organizational Development / Communications / Community Engagement

Specific Objective: Identify and apply ES data to decision makers for use in (planning, adaptation, situ)

"Work with Disaster user communities to identify the information model and observations/outputs needed to enhance their decision making.”


Specific Objective: Capture domain experts interpretation, analysis, insights and enrich + augment the data for the benefit of non-expert users. Re: “What am I looking at in this data? What does it mean? What are the implications?”

“This can tie into Semantic Web cluster activities on rich infomration model with ontologies; and then work with Disaster cluster on semantic search related topics.”


Goal 3: Promote techniques to articulate and measure the socioeconomic value and benefit of Earth science data, information and applications

Relevant Themes: Impact Metrics

Specific Objective: Develop and share the story of how Earth science products make an impact from discovery, through development, to ultimate use. (“impact metrics”)

"Capture impact stories of how relevant data products and tools have helped decision making in the events of disasters.”


Goal 4: Position ESIP to play a major role in Earth science issues (e.g. addressing effects of climate change mitigation, adaptation, supporting sustainable science data infrastructure)

Relevant Themes: Technology Innovation and Transfer

"Identify information model and technology that are relevant to science data infrastructure with the goal of streamlining the identification and provisioning of remote sensing data products to support the needs of different disaster types throughout the disaster life cycle.”

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