[Esip-disasters] FW: ESIP Winter Meeting Schedule: Review Request

Moe, Karen (GSFC-407.0)[EMERITUS] karen.moe at nasa.gov
Fri Nov 18 23:04:08 EST 2016

Please see the draft schedule link below for the Winter Meeting in DC. Our sessions are currently scheduled for:

Day 2, Thursday, Jan 12, 2:00pm eastern: Near Real Time Data for the Disasters Response User Community

Day 3, Friday, Jan 13, 2:00pm eastern: Data Driven Decision Making for the Disasters Response User Community

The Thursday session is where we will discuss the timelines for data products needed for a sample disaster response cycle such as Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Following this session is Brian’s topic on climate resilience, which has some synergy with our discussions.

The Friday session covers the Cascadia Rising and Vigilant Guard exercises & future plans as well as the GeoCollaborate testbed and the data-driven decision making workshop for the fleet response community & plans for future workshops/webinars.

Please let me know if you have any issues with the schedule for our two sessions on Monday!
Best regards,

I’ve copied the session descriptions for your convenience here:

Near Real Time Data for the Disasters Response User Community

Following the NASA workshop on low-latency data products held in Sep 2016 at NASA Langley, more detailed information is needed to understand the timeline driving the decision makers in response to a disaster. The question is ‘what data is needed when and for whom’ so that data providers can be better prepared to supply the data products in a timely fashion. This session is planned to address decision-making data needs throughout a sample disaster event, such as Hurricane Matthew. The goal is to determine a timeline of data needs aligned with decisions that must be made from the earliest awareness of a disaster for incident planning and management, emergency and resource management, through to relief and recovery management. Such a timeline will help data providers design methods to assure that routine data and data products are readily discoverable and useable by identified users at specified times. Additionally, specific data must be requested (e.g., from other agencies) or tasked (e.g., from available satellites) such that they are available when needed, for example the media needs information at specific times for updates to inform the public. These non-routine products need to be collected and processed at key times by data providers and potentially some end users. National, regional and local organizations are expected to have their own timelines based on the communities and information needs they serve.

Data Driven Decision Making for the Disasters Response User Community

The Disaster Life Cycle Cluster 2016 activities to better understand end user needs for satellite and related data products has resulted in lessons learned in key communities including the State of California (e.g., earthquake response) and utilities managers (e.g., mass power outage response). This session will recap key findings from the ESIP-sponsored Oct 27, 2016 Data Driven Decision Making (3DM) workshop in DC.  An update on the Fleet Response Working Group (FRWG) Testbed is planned to show examples for Hurricane Matthew use case. We also will see how the UAH Event Album is updated based on examples from Hurricane Matthew.  We will examine approaches to identifying Trusted Data criteria relevant to needs of the disasters response and risk management communities. Following the Cascadia Rising Exercise in the summer and the Vigilant Guard 17 Exercise in the fall, we will get an update on the use of near real time and other data sets by partners in California. Next steps for additional 3DM workshops and webinars will be discussed to continue building relationships with user communities, including follow on efforts with the utility sector.

From: Annie Burgess <annieburgess at esipfed.org<mailto:annieburgess at esipfed.org>>
Date: Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 3:46 PM

Subject: ESIP Winter Meeting Schedule: Review Request

Hello all,

Thank you for submitting sessions to the 2017 ESIP Winter Meeting. In an effort to mitigate scheduling conflicts, we'd like to request that you review the current draft schedule<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TppQD7bj6hB8Yzfrj_5Vvhe03VxeAsMU7XGEncw0PYw/edit>.

If you believe there is a scheduling conflict with your session(s), please insert a comment (from the menu bar: insert/comment) next to the session in the spreadsheet and we will do our best to resolve the issue.

The deadline for comments is Monday, November 21st.

Please feel free to contact us (staff at esipfed.org<mailto:staff at esipfed.org>) if you have any questions.

Annie B. + ESIP Staff
Annie Burgess, PhD
Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
www http://esipfed.org | twitter at esipfed<https://twitter.com/ESIPFed> | phone 585.738.7549
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