[Esip-disasters] FW: ESIP Lab: Request for Proposals

Moe, Karen (GSFC-407.0)[EMERITUS] karen.moe at nasa.gov
Fri Sep 8 10:47:47 EDT 2017

Does anyone have ideas for pursuing either of these ESIP solicitations?

I’m away most of September and these proposals are due Oct 12. Please feel free to follow up directly if you’ve got an idea you want to pursue.


From: Annie Burgess <annieburgess=esipfed.org at mail219.suw14.mcdlv.net<mailto:annieburgess=esipfed.org at mail219.suw14.mcdlv.net>> on behalf of Annie Burgess <annieburgess at esipfed.org<mailto:annieburgess at esipfed.org>>
Reply-To: Annie Burgess <annieburgess at esipfed.org<mailto:annieburgess at esipfed.org>>
Date: Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 5:40 PM
To: Karen Moe <karen.moe at nasa.gov<mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov>>
Subject: ESIP Lab: Request for Proposals



7 September 2017

The Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Lab is happy to announce the release of two proposal solicitations: 1) ESIP Lab Incubator Projects and 2) Prototype Community Mediation Service for Provenance and Annotation. Please take the time to review each and contact the Lab via email (lab at esipfed.org<mailto:lab at esipfed.org>) or on Slack (#esip-lab) with any questions.

ESIP Lab Incubator Projects

Incubator projects lie in the realm of good ideas ready to be tried out. They should provide a proof-of-concept solution to a problem identified by the Earth sciences community. Total budget for incubation projects is $7000. Potential incubation projects could include, but are not limited to, those that:

  *   Create an open-source solution that reduces barriers along the data lifecycle.
  *   Provide a proof-of-concept for an emerging technology slated for operational use.
  *   Implement technologies or activities furthering goals of ESIP collaboration areas<http://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=8728f45285&e=9af846e836>.
  *   Provide an opportunity for a student to investigate an interesting problem.
  *   Investigate ideas related to the 2018 ESIP theme of Promoting techniques to articulate and measure the socioeconomic value and benefit of Earth science data, information and applications.

You can find the full text for this RFP on the Lab website: http://www.esipfed.org/esip-lab/current-opportunities<http://esipfed.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=e01b09f528&e=9af846e836>.

Prototype Community Mediation Service for Provenance and Annotation

The ESIP Lab seeks proposals from qualified teams to develop, extend, or fully test a prototype community-mediation capability for provenance and annotation generated and exposed by disparate sources but summarized, synthesized, or distilled into tractable forms for community use. Prototypes should be based on a distributed system where organizations, from data centers to analytical labs, have different means of and underlying technologies for generating and storing PROV and annotation, but expose compatible APIs that follow a constrained set of standards and/or conventions using the W3C specifications. Maximum project budget is $15,000.

You can find the full RFP on the Lab website: http://www.esipfed.org/esip-lab/current-opportunities<http://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=8d1614aab4&e=9af846e836>.

Annie Burgess
ESIP Lab Director
585.738.7549 | annieburgess at esipfed.org<mailto:annieburgess at esipfed.org>

Remember to check out ESIP on Facebook<http://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=eadbbee8a0&e=9af846e836> and follow @ESIPfed<http://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=1ca7c2262a&e=9af846e836> and the #ESIPFed hashtag on Twitter to keep up with everything ESIP.


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