[Esip-disasters] Draft proposal for the ESIP Summer Meeting session

Karen Moe karen.moe at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 6 14:53:22 EDT 2020

Greetings Disasters cluster

At last week’s conference call Bob Chen suggested we focus our summer meeting session (whether in Burlington VT or virtually) on the current pandemic disaster, so Dave and I drafted this proposal, that builds on the winter meeting. What do you think? You can find it on our google docs page: 
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IfFKkRf3pzJp2I7OpCHGcpLjrh7fJ3Q7xSuAOC-K2g8/edit <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IfFKkRf3pzJp2I7OpCHGcpLjrh7fJ3Q7xSuAOC-K2g8/edit> 

Please send comments by this Wednesday April 8 so I can incorporate comments into the final proposal due 4/17.  

We can anticipate weather disasters to continue unabated (floods, fires, storms) and overlay the pandemic that is so completely occupying attention now. Our session can explore how to get relevant data available and flagged for timely use by responders. Ideas for possible speakers especially welcome. 

Karen and Dave

Draft ESIP 2020 Summer session proposal 
Public-Private Partnerships in the Age of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic

Abstract: COVID-19 has turned our worlds upside down, impacting our lives, our businesses and the economy in significant ways. Emergency response has had to adapt rapidly to an unseen and deadly virus. Decisions are being driven, mostly by data and that data needs to be trusted. This session will focus on identifying how the disaster response community trusts data. The All Hazards Consortium and ESIP have come up with Operational Readiness Levels (ORL) for trusted data and this is being embraced by private and public sector organizations and agencies.

We will focus our meeting on how public-private partnerships accelerate decision making and how the identification of trusted data, and the sharing of that data, leads to rapid data-driven decision making across multiple sectors. This can save lives. We are building on the ESIP winter meeting theme of “Putting Data to Work” and our session mapping data ORLs to FEMA Community Lifelines <https://www.fema.gov/lifelines>. In this session we will continue to encourage data producers, providers and users to work with us in the Disaster Lifecyle Cluster so we can refine our definitions of trusted data and ORLs.

Possible speakers:
Chair, Chief Data Officer Council for US Federal Government
USACE contact (Bob Chen knows this person)
Tom Moran: Executive Dir. All Hazards Consortium, Sensitive Information Sharing Environment (SISE)
Dan Pilone, CEO, Element84 - Putting data access first
Chris Vaughan, Geospatial Information Officer, FEMA
Greg McShane, DHS CISA (Cyber Security & Information Security Agency)

> On Apr 2, 2020, at 2:12 PM, Karen Moe <karen.moe at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Hello ESIP Disasters community
> This has been an extraordinary month and I hope you are staying well. I’d like to take today’s regular meeting to discuss options for the near term.  ESIP is already adept at virtual meetings so if the Summer Meeting goes virtual, we should talk about our objectives and get our session proposal together. Proposal due by 4/17. 
> Google Docs page has current notes and agenda:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IfFKkRf3pzJp2I7OpCHGcpLjrh7fJ3Q7xSuAOC-K2g8/edit <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IfFKkRf3pzJp2I7OpCHGcpLjrh7fJ3Q7xSuAOC-K2g8/edit> 
> 2020 ESIP Summer Meeting: Call for Sessions OPEN NOW through 4/17
> The session proposal portal for the 2020 ESIP Summer Meeting <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=f07bfe8db3&e=d546eef30f> (July 14th-17th, 2020 in Burlington, Vermont) is open now through 4/17. For over 20 years, ESIP meetings have brought together the most innovative thinkers and leaders around Earth observation data, thus forming a community dedicated to making Earth observations more discoverable, accessible and useful to researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and the public. For this meeting, we especially welcome session proposals related to ESIP's 2020 theme: Putting Data to Work: Building Public-Private Partnerships to Increase Resilience & Enhance the Socioeconomic Value of Data. Sessions that discuss technical examples of how data can be put to work to address science use cases are strongly encouraged. Sessions are generally 1.5 hour blocks and can follow a number of different formats. Learn more and submit a proposal by 4/17 here <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=8073a6a354&e=d546eef30f>. Questions? Send them to staff at esipfed.org <mailto:staff at esipfed.org>.
> Disaster Lifecycle
> Thursday, April 2⋅4:00 – 5:00pm
> Monthly on the first Thursday
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