[Esip-disasters] Invitation to Pew's Flood-Prepared Communities webinar 'Investing in Resilient Infrastructure and Disaster Mitigation – Why it Matters Now More than Ever'

Brian Wee bwee at massiveconnections.com
Fri May 22 12:04:05 EDT 2020

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Forbes Tompkins <ctompkins at pewtrusts.org>
Date: Wed, May 20, 2020 at 12:36 PM
Subject: Invitation to Pew's Flood-Prepared Communities webinar 'Investing
in Resilient Infrastructure and Disaster Mitigation – Why it Matters Now
More than Ever'
To: Forbes Tompkins <ctompkins at pewtrusts.org>

Hi there,

Please see below for webinar details. You can register here
or through the hyperlink below.

All the best,


*Pew’s Flood-Prepared Communities Webinar 1:00pm – 2:30pm EST June 3rd*

*Investing in Resilient Infrastructure and Disaster Mitigation – Why it
Matters Now More than Ever

Please join The Pew Charitable Trusts for a discussion with government
officials and mitigation experts on how disaster preparedness and resilient
infrastructure can help protect economies and communities from additional
hardships posed by the risk of extreme weather.

Research shows investments in mitigation and resilient infrastructure
provide widespread benefits that include reduced damages, job creation, and
faster economic recovery following disasters. However, the federal
government has historically devoted exponentially more funding toward
reactive disaster recovery than proactive disaster preparedness.

Natural disasters will not stop for a pandemic or any other external force.
With another hurricane season officially beginning in June some communities
and states will face increased risk for disruptions to livelihoods and
businesses, and billions of dollars in damages.

Our panelists will discuss the economic benefits of mitigation projects,
the need for additional federal resources to support community and state
disaster preparedness and resilient infrastructure efforts, and policies
Congress could adopt to better protect Americans from the next storm.


Mayor Sharon Weston Broome, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Craig Fugate, former Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Anil Sarda, Flood Economics Project Manager, The Economist Intelligence Unit

Matthew J. Strickler, Secretary of Natural Resources and Chief Resilience
Officer, Commonwealth of Virginia

Forbes Tompkins, Manager, The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Flood-Prepared
Communities Initiative

*Forbes Tompkins*

Manager, Federal Policy, Flood-Prepared Communities

The Pew Charitable Trusts

901 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20004

p:  202.552.2006 | c: 202.302.3763 | e: ctompkins at pewtrusts.org |
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