[Esip-disasters] Webinar | "NASA Goddard Disasters Team and its Activities" | Tuesday 2020-11-10 | 3pm EASTERN

Brian Wee bwee at massiveconnections.com
Tue Nov 10 07:33:51 EST 2020

Hello Disaster Lifecycle Cluster folks:  You might be interested in the
talk later THIS AFTERNOON at the Agriculture and Climate Cluster bi-weekly
telecon.     - Brian Wee

Batu Osmanoglu is a Research Physical Scientist; NASA Earth Science
Disasters Program <https://disasters.nasa.gov/>. His talk is titled "NASA
Goddard Disasters Team and its Activities"

Abstract:  Disasters can strike anytime, anywhere on the planet with often
headline-grabbing impacts. NASA?s Disasters Program conducts research and
end-user engagement activities to guide situational awareness for
actionable planning, communication, and adaptation. The NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center (GSFC) Disasters Working Group (WG) is organized under the
Applied Sciences Program at Goddard. In addition to the activities and data
products contributed by the Disasters WG members, there are also several
NASA ROSES-funded projects being conducted by Goddard scientists for
algorithm development. In this talk, we will look at the ongoing disasters
activities, with a special focus on cascading disasters. Examples from
select studies will highlight the various methods being used to monitor
both slowly evolving (e.g., food security and changing climate) and rapidly
evolving (e.g., landslides blocking rivers) situations.

3:00 pm Eastern

2:00 pm Central

1:00 pm Mountain

12:00 pm Pacific

Meeting link: https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/534768669

Or, dial in using your phone:

United States: +1 224-501-3412

Access code: 534-768-669
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