[Esip-disasters] Reminder of Next Disaster Lifecycle Cluster Telecon: May 5th Thursday at 1:00pm PT/ 4:00pm ET
Huang, Qian
QH1 at email.sc.edu
Thu May 5 12:05:05 EDT 2022
Dear ESIP Disaster Lifecycle Cluster Participants,
This is a reminder that the next meeting of ESIP's Disaster Lifecycle Cluster will be today, May 5th from 4 pm-5 pm ET. Below is the connection info as well as a link to our running notes document, where an agenda is drafted. Feel free to add to the agenda if you wish.
We will go over the accepted session outline for the 2022 ESIP Summer meeting (in Pittsburgh!) and fill in the details. The session description highlights are below:
Title: ESIP Cross-Domain Collaboratory: Data Drivers During Wildfire Events
Session description:
Global and local challenges are increasing from a rapidly changing climate that is fueling extreme events. For the last year, the Disasters Lifecycle Cluster has focused on extreme wildfire events which continue to impact people, communities, supply chains, transportation, communication and utility sectors. Especially with wildfires, regions are experiencing increased vulnerabilities due to more demand from growing populations, and more people moving into hazard-prone areas that typically lack region-specific preparedness campaigns. After addressing pre-wildfire data challenges at the ESIP 2022 Winter Meeting, we will tackle the data drivers during wildfire events.
Data availability has also been increasing at logarithmic scales while the ability to discover, trust and use that data has lagged behind the ‘data availability’ growth rates. Non-technical decision makers, who crave trusted data that can be used to drive decision making, cannot find what they need, often due to the complex semantics of hazards and disasters. When they do find a relevant data source, they have to trust it in order to make a decision. Once they have gained trust in the source and used the data in their decision making processes, they are more than happy to provide feedback on the data.
This session will bring together members from the ESIP #DataReadiness, #Discovery, #InformationQuality, #SemanticHarmonization, #CommunityResilience, #Ag&Climate, #Envirosensing and #DisasterLifecycle clusters to engage in active use case conversations addressing active wildfire impacts on communities. We desire to leverage and grow a way to serve decision makers through lay language data discoverability and use to drive more rapid decisions. This could prove to be extremely valuable as we seek to cut the time between data discovery, trust and decision making.
Purpose: Examine how to connect with communities to deliver useful trusted data products to improve situational awareness and decision making and cut across ESIP domains of expertise to put more data to work through improved discovery and collaboration. Build data unification approaches to serve all communities locally, globally and equitably. Identify plain language data discoverability techniques to drive rapid decisions in disasters.
Session Anticipated Take Away, Outcome/Goals:
Our goal is to identify a use case to connect to a community or communities, apply ‘search and use’ terminology that can drive trusted dataset access and use within operational environments, while providing ESIP clusters with ideas that could contribute to the Disaster Lifecycle Cluster’s ESIP Ecosystem of Innovation to accelerate research into operations.
*The Disaster Lifecycle Cluster continues to work with the All Hazards Consortium (AHC) to evolve “Operational Readiness Levels” (ORLs) that provide non-technical decision makers with higher confidence levels in data. We will also discuss mapping NASA “Application Readiness Levels” (ARLs) to ORLs to accelerate access to NASA datasets that may be applied in operational environments.
Look forward to seeing you soon!
Disaster Lifecycle
May 5th, 2022 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
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Google Docs page has current Disasters cluster notes and agenda:
Karen, Dave, and Qian
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