[Esip-disasters] ESIP Open Science cluster

Hewson, Jenny (GSFC-423.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC] jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov
Mon May 23 14:27:39 EDT 2022

Dear Disaster Lifecycle cluster-

The Open Science cluster was recently approved by ESIP. This cluster aims to create a Community of Champions around open science, and is most timely given the urgent need to amplify open science that is accessible, inclusive, equitable, transparent, and guided by a vast array of stakeholder groups. Cynthia Hall and I are co-leading this cluster, and we are enthusiastic to engage with other clusters, including the Disaster Lifecycle cluster, to introduce the new cluster, identify collaborative opportunities, and share mutual interests/needs, etc.

We'd be happy to join an upcoming Disaster Lifecycle cluster monthly telecon to briefly introduce the Open Science cluster, and we invite you to join the Open Science cluster monthly telecons.

Cluster telecon schedule: Fourth Tuesday of each month (@12pm East) - next telecon is Tuesday 24th May

  *   To Join Zoom Meeting
     *   https://esipfed-org.zoom.us/j/81704254783?pwd=cjQxZW1mUGZpdlg3MDdJUUp1ZGl6UT09
     *   Meeting ID: 817 0425 4783
     *   Passcode: 784237
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     *   Find your local number: https://esipfed-org.zoom.us/u/kpJKyu58I
Finally, the cluster will hold a session during the upcoming ESIP summer meeting in Pittsburgh. The session, Building a Thriving Open Science Community, aims to harness the ever increasing momentum around open science to: (1) highlight key characteristics of successful open science initiatives and projects, (2) share commonalities that may exist in the barriers/pain points experienced as open science communities develop, and (3) discuss opportunities to scale successes and overcome barriers/pain points.

Thanks in advance,
Jenny Hewson and Cynthia Hall

Preferred name: Jenny Hewson
jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov<mailto:jennifer.h.hewson at nasa.gov>
C: 443.474.3244

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