[Esip-disasters] FW: Link to new Climate Modeling ClimRR webinar

Beilin, Philip philip.beilin at fema.dhs.gov
Thu Mar 7 16:37:28 EST 2024

Here's the information and link to the new CLIMRR application.

From: Argonne Events <Events at anl.gov>
Sent: Friday, February 9, 2024 2:20 PM
Subject: Thank you for attending/registering for the ClimRR webinar

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On behalf of AT&T, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory's Center for Climate Resilience and Decision Science, thank you for your interest in the upgraded Climate Risk & Resilience (ClimRR) portal training webinar.

I hope that you were able to attend and found the training useful. Please share the information with other community planners, infrastructure managers, civil engineers, and safety officials who are essential to making communities more resilient and secure in the face of our changing climate.

A recording of the ClimRR training webinar<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK3zEbEMdN4> is available. Please review it as often as you like and share it with your network. The slides from the presentation<https://anl.box.com/s/lkpdp1aur63sbytewhg5eg5awykz3bs2> are also available.

We continue to learn from ClimRR's users! Please take this short survey<https://forms.office.com/g/pgTH9M2jNF> to help us understand your interests and experiences with the ClimRR tool and your impressions of the training webinar. You may also email us at CCRDS at anl.gov<mailto:CCRDS at anl.gov> with additional feedback and questions. We will use this information to prepare future webinars as well as improve the ClimRR tool and further develop its capabilities.

Thank you again,

Tom Wall

Center for Climate Resilience and Decision Science (CCRDS)
Argonne National Laboratory

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