[Esip-discovery] Next week's Semantic Cluster telecon on semantic search

Blythe, Jonathan N Jonathan.Blythe at boem.gov
Thu May 9 07:44:14 EDT 2024

Hi Folks,

   I wanted to bring this to your attention in case you aren't subscribed to the Semantic Committee email list.

Semantic Technologies Committee
May 14 @ 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
Guest Speaker Lucas Sheneman from the University of Idaho presents “Using AI to enable modern semantic search in a data portal.”
Semantic Technologies Committee - ESIP<https://www.esipfed.org/event/semantic-technologies-committee-2-3/>
Monthly on the second Tuesday. Zoom link below. All meetings are scheduled in U.S. Eastern Time Zone. Convert to your time zone.

  I'm also sending out feelers to see if anybody wants to chat on the Discovery monthly telecon next Thursday at 3PM EDT?  ESIP Summer Meeting planning is underway, and this is the list of session proposals that have been submitted: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zD9iTljfnOVGPpg-PMjaRul79zKYVgbhp9kQctNSvHA/edit?usp=sharing.  If you have a session proposal and would like to use the discovery cluster time to pitch the idea and network further, please let me know and I will put you on the agenda.

Thank you,

Scientific Data Manager
Environmental Studies Program
Bureau of Ocean Energy management
jonathan.blythe at boem.gov
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