[Esip-documentation] Documentation telecon Wednesday Nov 20 noon EST

John Graybeal graybeal at marinemetadata.org
Wed Nov 20 12:23:35 EST 2013

Hi all,

I don't have time to join you (yet again!), but I wanted to pass along some status information.  In the course of actually trying to implement NetCDF + COARDS + CF + NODC NetCDF  + ACDD per the latest recommendations on the Working page, I've found some issues. So I will continue to update that Working document unless/until someone says I shouldn't.

Incidentally, if I can use this list to pose a technical question: In researching how to represent a 3D space on earthwith WKT, my experience was that WKT is not ready for 3D prime time. Please let me know if you know of a nice description of a standard way to represent 3D (lat/lon/depth) region with WKT?


John Graybeal
Marine Metadata Interoperability Project: http://marinemetadata.org
graybeal at marinemetadata.org

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