[Esip-documentation] ACDD comments -- rewriting metadata in summary (etc.)

John Graybeal via Esip-documentation esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org
Fri Sep 19 20:18:05 EDT 2014

On Sep 18, 2014, at 14:41, Bob Simons - NOAA Federal <bob.simons at noaa.gov> wrote:

>> I think all Bob is asking is that bounding information not be contained in the free-text "summary" attribute, which totally makes sense.  There would be no programatic way to keep that up to date as the dataset is subset.
> Yes. Thank you, Rich.

Thank you both, sorry that I missed the key point there. (I'm going to look for Anna's comment here as well, as the text in question* was added as she updated the 'final copy.)

The original was "A paragraph describing the dataset, analogous to an abstract for a paper."  

In the interests of getting to closure, I propose we go back to the short form, and postpone the meta-discussion of how subsetting affects attributes to after we get to closure on ACDD. Can everyone live with that? (Oh please oh please)


*The new description is "A paragraph describing the dataset, analogous to an abstract for a paper. In many discovery systems, the title and the summary will be displayed in the results list from a search. It should therefore capture the essence of the dataset it describes. For instance, we recommend a summary of the following: type of data contained in the dataset, how the data was created (e.g., instrument X; or model X, run Y), the creator of the dataset, the project for which the data was created, the geospatial coverage of the data, and the temporal coverage of the data."

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