[Esip-documentation] proposal to move forward re changed names

John Graybeal via Esip-documentation esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org
Mon Sep 29 16:28:20 EDT 2014

Thanks for the feedback Nan. Since several issues are about changes I made, I can provide data.

On Sep 29, 2014, at 12:31, Nan Galbraith via Esip-documentation <esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org> wrote:

> I'd also be happy to return to date_created, which is at least as meaningful as date_product_modified - the latter doesn't mean anything, at least to me, for obs data.

I earlier proposed date_product_originally_created to Philip, but date_created seems to have more uptake. :-)

I think there are clear use cases for a separate term called date_product_modified. If we keep the date_created attribute, then date_product_modified is an added attribute (that sometimes will have the same value as date_created, but sometimes will not, just like the "Date Modified" columns on my Mac file lists).

> I prefer URLs to URIs, and since that's how we started, I vote for sticking with it unless someone can explain why it needs to change.

My explanation was/is: Different people and organizations use different identifier types. Making this a URI allows other types of identifiers than just URLs. I prefer URLs for my own use too, but I thought URIs better for a general convention.

> The new (?) contributor_info field has me mystified - I don't recall any discussion about this and it seems too far from the structure of the rest of the contacts. 

It is similar to the new terms creator_project_info, publisher_institution_info, and publisher_project_info, and was intended to reflect the original definition's grouping of many things into one attribute: "The name and role of any individuals or institutions that contributed to the creation of this data." I didn't see how that definition matched the name. 

Assuming the attribute contributor_name needs to stay, if no one argues otherwise then we can just revert this change (i.e., leave contribute_name unchanged and delete contributor_info).


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