[Esip-documentation] ACDD adjudication call -- agenda etc. (last summary mail from me!)

John Graybeal via Esip-documentation esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org
Thu Oct 2 03:03:51 EDT 2014

Hi everyone,

First of all, my big thanks to everyone for voting your favorite approach to this process. With color coding it was real clear how we needed to proceed, so good show.

So we'll have the adjudication call at 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific time. One way or another we'll get the call-in info to the list, it sounds like we're good to go on that front.

We're working with columns F (Version 1.3.1 Attributes and G (Version 1.3/1.3.1 Definitions) in the Version Changes page. And I added a column H, Issue Raised, where I've documented the significant issues I know about.  
I think the 3 groups we have to cover are:
1) Issues from column H -- if you have a new issue that needs adjudication, put it here before the meeting
2) Any issues remaining from the Active Issues page.
3) Consent for the rest of the text in the Definitions, and the rest of the material, including the introductory text

If we're lucky, disciplined, and extraordinarily willing to compromise, we could get through all that in an hour. If not, we'll see whether people want to do at that point.

If you won't be there but want your voice/concerns heard, you can read the materials first thing in the morning and send an email to the list, say by an hour before the meeting. We can't afford to re-argue already-decided issues in the main ESIP Documentation meeting, if we resolve them tomorrow, so let's give this meeting our best shot.

As Aleksandar says, I'm looking forward to remaining colleagues afterward!


John Graybeal
Marine Metadata Interoperability Project: http://marinemetadata.org

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