[Esip-documentation] ACDD 1.3 issue: geospatial_bounds, geospatial_vertical_units

John Graybeal via Esip-documentation esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org
Fri Oct 3 15:53:01 EDT 2014

(For detailed background, Active Issues item 6)

We've developed a nice description of how to use the geospatial_bounds attribute (see the definition below), many thanks to David, Aleksandar, Bob, and the others who've worked on it. The pending concerns are:

1) Is the way it uses geospatial_vertical_units OK for specifying vertical CRSs other than the default?
2) Should a corresponding relationship exist between geospatial_lon/lat_units and this attribute?  If not, is it a problem that the geospatial_*_min/max attributes may be different than the ones in the geospatial_bounds?


Describes geospatial extent using geometric objects (2D or 3D) defined in the Well-Known Text (WKT) format. geospatial_bounds points are always space-separated latitude (decimal degrees_north), longitude (decimal degrees_east), and, for 3D objects, altitude (meters, up) values of the WGS-84 coordinate reference system, specifically WGS-84 (EPSG:4326) for 2D objects and WGS-84 (EPSG:4979) for 3D objects (the vertical coordinate reference system in the geospatial_vertical_units attribute takes precedence). These values may be approximate. Note that longitude values are not restricted to the [-180, 180] range only. Example: 'POLYGON ((40.26 -111.29, 41.26 -111.29, 41.26 -110.29, 40.26 -110.29, 40.26 -111.29))'
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