[Esip-documentation] Geospatial Bounds

Aleksandar Jelenak via Esip-documentation esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org
Tue Oct 7 20:35:01 EDT 2014


On 10/7/14, 7:32 PM, "Bob Simons - NOAA Federal" <bob.simons at noaa.gov>
>2) The ordering of values for each point in the WKT: x,y vs y,x. My
>reading the definitions of WKT indicates that it is always x,y(,z) and
>never y,x. I understand that some CRSs have a y,x ordering in certain
>circumstances, but I'm not convinced that applies to WKT which always
>says x,y. Again, ACDD can choose to be clear about this and specify that
>it is always x,y ordering.

What is x? What is y? The meaning of both is not determined until their
CRS is known.


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