[Esip-documentation] ACDD meeting #2 results

John Graybeal via Esip-documentation esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org
Fri Oct 10 15:58:17 EDT 2014

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the productive meeting yesterday. We've agreed to hold one more adjudication meeting, this Tuesday at the same time. (Anna, can you please make sure a webex is set up?)

The notes from the meeting are at http://commons.esipfed.org/acdd_1-3_adjudication_mtg2, and the approved changes are integrated into the Version Changes table.  (The 1.3.1 working document is not yet updated.)

As we said at the meeting, we'll need to deal with date/time attributes, and geospatial bounds attributes. Also two issues popped up after the meeting (listed below), and we'll have a final 'anything else' topic.

See (most of) you at the meeting Tuesday.


New issues since the meeting:

(1) contributor_role: proposed consent item: added the text "Multiple roles should be presented in the same order and number as the names in contributor_names." This was to address the issue raised: "Need guidance on how to format the role values so they are associated with the corresponding name values, such as use same index in each attribute array. _Philip jones"

(2) program: Newly proposed attribute: "The overarching program(s) of which the dataset is a part."

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