[Esip-documentation] summary documentation for the ACDD 1-3 work

John Graybeal via Esip-documentation esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org
Sat Dec 20 02:26:09 EST 2014

Hi everyone,

Today I got a question about why some attribute in ACDD had changed, and I answered it by reviewing all the notes and meeting minutes. I realized that material should be archived/referenced in one place.

Also, I had been asked to summarize the changes from 1.1 to 1.3, but had never done so. 

So this page addresses both of those concerns: http://commons.esipfed.org/acdd_1-3_references. And as a nice byline, there are tags that let you find all the ACDD-related minutes, or just the ACDD breakout minutes.

The one problem I had was summarizing changes to attributes -- I ended up capturing them all in a table like the one we were working with a few months back. Unsatisfying, but better than nothing.

If someone can see a better way to present the changes to the poor developers trying to learn what's different, please give it a try. Thanks.

If you want to vote but haven't, I recommend first thing next week. You won't want to come back on Dec 31 to vote!

Happy holidays everyone.


P.S. In case anyone is watching, I caught/fixed a few issues to the index section of the specification doc, to make it match the main section. No change in the meaning/recommendations of the attributes, just in the index.
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