[Esip-documentation] ACDD convention version 1.3 is approved

John Graybeal jbgraybeal at mindspring.com
Fri Jan 2 01:58:03 EST 2015

Thank you to everyone who voted on the ACDD convention update.  The 1.3 version passed, with 11 votes in favor and 1 opposed.

I will take this moment to directly thank all of you who participated in this process. I hope it gives you, and all the users, some measure of satisfaction, as it has given us co-chairs. Thank you Anna for the opportunity to work together in this role!

Shortly, I will take the following steps, assuming no concerns are raised:
- Update the front Category page, and the pointer from the main convention's URL, to reflect the current version is now 1.3
- Add a few words to the Category page to reflect the stated desire of many principals to henceforth work on a groups-aware 2.0 version.
- Create a new target page for the "ACDD Working" document, to serve as a placeholder for new proposals
  - The 2.0 ACDD group can decide whether they want to work within that working document, or elsewhere
  - In theory a few of the new proposals might be minor enough to be applied to 1.3, but it's likely 2.0 is the next significant change

Have I missed anything?

Below I have appended the list of votes, for validation.

Best wishes for a successful, interoperable, and prosperous New Year!


Kelly Monteleone - Yes
Heather Brown - Yes
Ed Armstrong - Yes
Ted Habermann - Yes	
Bob Simons - Yes
John Graybeal	 - Yes
Anna Milan - Yes
Nan Galbraith - No	
Philip Jones - Yes
Aleksandar Jelenak - Yes		
Mike McCann - Yes
Ge Peng - Yes

John Graybeal
Project lead
Marine Metadata Interoperability Project: http://marinemetadata.org
MMI Ontology Registry and Repository: http://mmisw.org/orr

John Graybeal
Project lead
Marine Metadata Interoperability Project: http://marinemetadata.org
MMI Ontology Registry and Repository: http://mmisw.org/orr

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