[Esip-documentation] Minutes

Ted Habermann thabermann at hdfgroup.org
Thu Feb 26 14:37:46 EST 2015

Hello all,

These are the minutes for today's meeting. I will get them on the Wiki/commons ASAP...


Documentation Cluster Minutes - February 2015

The Documentation cluster meeting was delayed a week then held two hours early (sorry about the confusion caused by Ted).
Nevertheless, we had an interesting discussion.

1. Resolution and units
There was a long email thread yesterday started by Aaron Sweeny about how horizontal resolutions were described in netCDF and in the ACDD documentation. There was confusion caused by the recommendation that resolution strings in ACDD have the form “number units”. The current transform translates this into invalid ISO because the ISO value includes the entire string and it is expected to be a numeric value (needs to be checked). There is also a situation in an NODC template where, for point data, the resolution is recommended to be the string “point”. This also causes problems related to the type of the result in ISO.
It was decided that the ACDD documentation would be amended to include that fact that, if the resolution is given without units, it is assumed to be the same as the unit given by geospatial_lat/lon_units.
2. A way forward
Aaron is also interested in how Sea Data Net attributes can be translated from netCDF to ISO. The only recommendation for a way forward involved branching the ncISO xsl (in gitHub at https://github.com/Unidata/threddsIso/tree/master/src/main/resources/xsl/nciso) to include those attributes as input. This branch could then be described on the ACDD pages in the ESIP wiki. The SeaDataNet metadata page is at http://www.seadatanet.org/Standards-Software/Metadata-formats.
3. Metadata Recommendations and Dialects
Ted reported briefly on the work he has been doing with tools for comparing metadata recommendations and dialects. Early versions of these tools are at:
http://ec2-54-149-127-50.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:443/recTool/ and
Maybe next month we will have more time for a complete description of this work...
4. Linked Data Dataset Description
Ted reported on some recent metadata developments in the W3C Health Care and Life Sciences Working Group. This group is working on a profile for dataset descriptions that brings together many commonly used linked data namespaces. The Editors Working Draft of this profile is at http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/notes/hcls-dataset/. Ted is working on crosswalks from that profile to metadata dialects that are commonly used in the Earth sciences.

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