[Esip-documentation] updates to ACDD

Mathew Biddle - NOAA Affiliate mathew.biddle at noaa.gov
Wed Oct 20 13:01:47 EDT 2021

Right now the wiki page
has "Questions about this specification may be addressed to the ESIP
Documentation Cluster mailing list." and a link to ACDD future directions
Is this the process?

Maybe that needs to be updated to describe where the responsibility lies?

On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 5:19 PM John Graybeal via Esip-documentation <
esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org> wrote:

> Megan, Ted,
> To clarify the history, the ESIP Documentation Cluster did accept
> responsibility for managing this specification, did they not? I think that
> is not a role that ESIP should (can afford to?) let fall on the floor,
> regardless of the current status of the Cluster.
> I don't think you were saying that would happen, I just wanted to be sure
> that's where things stand in terms of 'ownership' of the ACDD
> standardization process.
> John
> On Oct 14, 2021, at 12:09 PM, Megan Carter <megancarter at esipfed.org>
> wrote:
> Hi Bob and Others,
> I would like to clarify that the ESIP Documentation Cluster has been on
> hiatus for several months now. They have not been having regular meetings
> and, as far as I know, are not having discussions of ACDD outside of this
> thread. If anyone is interested in this area and would like to start
> organizing Documentation Cluster meetings again, that would certainly be
> possible.
> Best,
> Megan
> Megan Carter Orlando
> ESIP Community Director
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 3:00 PM Bob Simons - NOAA Federal via
> Esip-documentation <esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org> wrote:
>> John, you make it sound so easy, but there have been no changes since
>> 2014.
>> Regarding "They* would not necessarily have to discuss any other change,
>> ":
>> There are several pending requests for changes. It would be odd to just
>> consider one person's request and not consider the requests of other people
>> who have been waiting longer.
>> Related: do we want to start releasing a series of versions of ACDD,
>> e.g., one per change? Isn't it better to do the changes in batches, like
>> almost every other standard?
>> When the Documentation Cluster decides to investigate changing ACDD, I
>> really hope they widely advertise the meetings where changes to ACDD will
>> be considered so relevant parties don't miss out.
>> On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 5:53 PM John Graybeal <jbgraybeal at sonic.net>
>> wrote:
>>> Matthew,
>>> Thanks for this, it simplifies the answers a lot!
>>> Short answer is that (as I understand it) the ACDD conventions are
>>> 'managed' by the ESIP Documentation Cluster, and to start the process of
>>> adding an attribute to those conventions you would make the request to that
>>> cluster. It's my hope that the cluster would relatively quickly form a team
>>> and process to support the request. They* would not necessarily have to
>>> discuss any other change, and other than formalizing what process they want
>>> to follow, it could be quite quick to decide. (Posting updated documents
>>> might take longer!)  It could be a valuable exercise for the Documentation
>>> Cluster and community, in my humble opinion.
>>> When you say "an attribute explicitly for people identifiers", you are
>>> right that ACDD allowed this use but purposefully left it ambiguous in the
>>> creator_url. At some point, if you want to make ACDD less ambiguous, the
>>> amount of duplicate content starts going up because of
>>> backward-compatibility requirements, and maybe you want a new path that's
>>> incompatible with all the existing metadata. (That's what we ran into last
>>> time.)
>>> You can certainly add a contributor_url, though nothing preclused using
>>> a URL for contributor_name. But I agree a URL would be good. (Or maybe
>>> these days, an IRI. And be sure you allow multiples! and roles for each!
>>> oops, going beyond my mandate :->)
>>> Finally, totally agree the metadata profile doesn't go outside of the
>>> ACDD conventions, it's fine really. I just want to encourage individual
>>> users to get that uniquely identifiable recognition too!
>>> Very clarified, and appreciate closing the loop on this question.
>>> Someone from the Documentation Cluster may wish to comment from this point.
>>> John
>>> * I'm a member of the Documentation Cluster but have not often had time
>>> to participate, alas.
>>> On Oct 13, 2021, at 6:06 AM, Mathew Biddle - NOAA Affiliate <
>>> mathew.biddle at noaa.gov> wrote:
>>> Bob, John, and Chris,
>>> I just joined this list yesterday, so I'm just seeing Bob's response
>>> now. I wholeheartedly agree with all of your comments, thank you for
>>> walking through your logic on updating existing attributes/definitions. I
>>> think there might have been some mischaracterization of what it is Chris
>>> was asking for so I'd like to take a step back.
>>> The problem: the Animal Telemetry Network (ATN) is looking to collect
>>> persistent identifiers for people (preferably using ORCiD, but other
>>> options are available). ATN would like to include those identifiers in the
>>> netCDF metadata at the appropriate location. So, we did a quick search
>>> through ACDD and didn't see an attribute explicitly for people identifiers.
>>> So, my first response is that this might be something worthwhile to add to
>>> the upstream conventions, how might we do that?
>>> Where we stand: After discussing with John on the #marinedata slack
>>> channel (thanks for monitoring that channel BTW!) I was reminded of the
>>> ACDD 1.3 creator_url
>>> <https://wiki.esipfed.org/Attribute_Convention_for_Data_Discovery_1-3#creator_url>
>>> attribute, which will suit the ATNs purpose. See that discussion in this
>>> ticket
>>> <https://github.com/ioos/ioos-atn-data/issues/24#issuecomment-937836068>.
>>> However, it would also be beneficial if we could supplement the ACDD 1.3
>>> recommended attributes with a *contributor_url* attribute which doesn't
>>> exist now. This would be an addition to the existing attributes, not a
>>> change to definitions or attribute names. So, the question becomes, how do
>>> we contribute/start a conversation on adding a *new* attribute to the
>>> ACDD conventions? Is this even possible?
>>> As for the IOOS Metadata Profile v1.2 description for what goes in
>>> the creator_url, I'll discuss it with the team. From how I read it, it's
>>> not going outside of the ACDD 1.3 conventions. It's providing more explicit
>>> guidance as to how the IOOS community should use it (maybe the creator_type
>>> should always be 'institution' for the IOOS profile to make that connection
>>> more clear).
>>> I hope this clarifies things.
>>> Thanks everyone for your valuable input.
>>> Matt
>>> On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 11:49 PM Work Sonic via Esip-documentation <
>>> esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org> wrote:
>>>> Well said, I agree with all of your statements here. (Well, except for
>>>> the part where you said "And they are forgetting about all the
>>>> consumers of data files who have to deal with different versions of a standard
>>>> that have different attribute names and definitions." I don't think any of
>>>> us forgot about those people—many of us were those people who had to deal
>>>> with existing data sets—but we had varying opinions about whether breaking
>>>> changes were a good idea. In the end, the group decided that for that
>>>> version, we would not make any breaking changes.)
>>>> I expect Chris has a pretty clear picture at this point! :-)
>>>> Thanks Bob for the input.
>>>> John
>>>> On Oct 12, 2021, at 6:38 AM, Bob Simons - NOAA Federal <
>>>> bob.simons at noaa.gov> wrote:
>>>> Regarding "IOOS had recommended creator_url be ...":
>>>> IOOS can recommend whatever they want, but it doesn't change the ACDD
>>>> 1.3 definition of "creator_url" which is
>>>> "The URL of the *person* (or other creator type specified by the
>>>> creator_type attribute) principally responsible for creating this data."
>>>> [emphasis added]
>>>> and which seems to be directly at odds with the IOOS recommendation.
>>>> Regarding "at least one major user would not accept any changes to
>>>> existing ACDD attributes that would invalidate any use that followed a
>>>> previous version" and the desire of some people to make major changes
>>>> to ACDD:
>>>> The person resisting changes to existing attribute names and
>>>> definitions was me. I think the reasons for that should be obvious:
>>>> This community of NOAA (especially NCEI with its archive), NASA, and
>>>> hundreds of other groups, has 100's of thousands of datasets and 100's of
>>>> millions of files using the ACDD terms as defined in the various versions
>>>> 1.0 - 1.3 of the ACDD standard. If you change one of the attribute names or
>>>> definitions:
>>>>    - At best you introduce a complication (a file's reader has to be
>>>>    aware of the difference between ACDD versions and interpret the attribute
>>>>    differently according to the stated ACDD version). That means crosswalks to
>>>>    other metadata formats need to be more sophisticated in order to deal with
>>>>    the differences between ACDD versions. That might not be too bad for the
>>>>    changes in one version of ACDD, but what about after 5,6,7 versions of
>>>>    ACDD?
>>>>    - You introduce uncertainty: Did the file's creator properly
>>>>    understand the differences between how the attribute was different versions
>>>>    of ACDD? This makes the crosswalks much harder to write.
>>>> You can see both of those problems already (although with minor
>>>> consequences) with the pointless change in the spelling of the "acknowledgment"
>>>> (the US spelling of the word) in pre-1.3 versions of ACDD to
>>>> "acknowledgement" (the British spelling) in ACDD 1.3. It is now common to
>>>> see files claiming to be ACDD 1.3 compliant with "acknowledgment"
>>>> (incorrect) and others using "acknowledgement" (correct).
>>>> It should be obvious that if a definition changed (instead of the
>>>> spelling of the attribute name), it would be a far more complex situation
>>>> where the reader must then guess what the file creator intended.
>>>> This situation highlights something else: there is a huge difference
>>>> between the perspective of a person creating a new data file for a new
>>>> dataset, and a person reading files from various sources. A person
>>>> creating a new data file for a new dataset has no prior constraints. All
>>>> they want to do is express the metadata content into the file using the
>>>> standard. But everyone and every project has different needs. For them,
>>>> it's easy to get frustrated with a standard because it doesn't fit their
>>>> idea of what the perfect metadata standard would be. Given a blank slate
>>>> and working alone, everyone would create a different standard. The hard
>>>> part of making the standard (and it was hard) is that we had to reconcile
>>>> all these different ideas about what the *perfect* metadata standard
>>>> would be. So "perfect" gets thrown out (since it is impossible) and
>>>> "acceptable compromise" is the best we can hope for. (Yes, as my wife
>>>> says, "compromise is when nobody is happy".) People making ACDD 1.3
>>>> had very diverse ideas about what topics should be addressed, what the
>>>> attribute names should be, and especially what the definitions should be.
>>>> Unfortunately, some people naturally retain this idea that we should revamp
>>>> the standard, but they are forgetting about all the other people who would
>>>> revamp the standard in a different way. And they are forgetting about all
>>>> the consumers of data files who have to deal with different versions of
>>>> a standard that have different attribute names and definitions
>>>> As a great example of not changing attribute names or definitions but
>>>> just adding new attribute names and definitions, look at CF, which has been
>>>> quite stable through 9(?) versions. The result is that a writer of a file
>>>> with CF metadata can reliably write attributes to the file as they have
>>>> been for years (although periodically adding new attributes to their
>>>> vocabulary), and a reader of a file with CF metadata can pretty reliably
>>>> ignore the stated CF version and just see what attributes are present. If a
>>>> given attribute is present, it's definition is known. Thank goodness!
>>>> Ethan Davis had the remarkable luxury of having a blank slate and (I
>>>> think) of working alone when he created ACDD 1.0. But now, forever more,
>>>> new versions of ACDD will be painfully hashed out by numerous people
>>>> working toward an acceptable compromise. On behalf of other consumers of
>>>> data files and on behalf of software developers who write software that
>>>> processes data files, please, please, please, let's keep existing attribute
>>>> names and definitions stable. If you want to add new attribute names and
>>>> definitions to address new concepts, go for it.
>>>> Here's a compromise (but where everyone is happy) for all of you who
>>>> really want to make massive changes to ACDD (essentially starting from a
>>>> blank slate): go for it! Create your own metadata standard (just as Ethan
>>>> did with ACDD 1.0), but just give it a different name, not "ACDD". After
>>>> all, that is what your new metadata standard is: a new metadata standard.
>>>> If it is a great standard, as ACDD 1.0 was, it will fill a niche and be
>>>> widely adopted and possibly supplant ACDD (if it addresses the same
>>>> issues). But effectively killing off the current ACDD 1.x by labelling your
>>>> new and very different standard ACDD 2.0, is wrong unless everyone in the
>>>> ESIP Documentation Cluster agrees that it is time to kill off ACDD 1.x and
>>>> go down that different route (and you probably won't get my vote).  I like
>>>> ACDD (1.0 to 1.3) and its stability is incredibly valuable to me. I have a
>>>> lot invested in ACDD 1.3.. I know I'm not alone -- think of NASA and NCEI
>>>> with millions of archived files with ACDD 1.x metadata and all the software
>>>> that writes and reads these files.
>>>> Best wishes.
>>>> On Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 4:33 PM John Graybeal via Esip-documentation <
>>>> esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>> I believe there have been 3, maybe 4 threads in the past 2-3 years
>>>>> about updating ACDD. I wouldn't say any of them were as action-oriented as
>>>>> yours—sometimes interest in a particular attribute, other times general
>>>>> interest in whether it's being maintained. None has gone so far as to say
>>>>> "I want to open a new round of discussion for ACDD." The list archive may
>>>>> have some details.
>>>>> I note that nothing *precludes* your using those identifiers for the
>>>>> people or organizations in the contributor attributes, all those
>>>>> identifiers can be named via URLs, which is consistent with the ACDD spec.
>>>>> What are you trying to do exactly that isn't already possible?
>>>>> Within the past week, there was a question in the #marinedata Slack
>>>>> channel of the ESIP workspace about ORCiDs in netCDF, followed by a long
>>>>> discussion about the ACDD 1.3 creator_url. In the course of that discussion
>>>>> it was mentioned that IOOS had recommended creator_url be
>>>>> The URL of the institution that collected the data. Note that this
>>>>> should always reference an institution URL, and not a personal URL, even
>>>>> if creator_type=person.
>>>>> I wasn't there so I can't fairly assess that guidance, but it is
>>>>> sufficiently, umm, unexpected that it'd be nice to get your needs met by
>>>>> ACDD directly.
>>>>> That said, two considerations about ACDD: (1) At the last update
>>>>> round, at least one major user would not accept any changes to existing
>>>>> ACDD attributes that would invalidate any use that followed a previous
>>>>> version. So our ability to update certain fields the way many members
>>>>> wanted to was effectively blocked. (2) With ESIP's Documentation
>>>>> Cluster(Committee?) as the current 'standards body' for ACDD, you'd be
>>>>> starting down a path that has not been travelled yet, to my knowledge.
>>>>> I hope that is the right level of information to share in response to
>>>>> your query! I think it would be great for ACDD to get another round,
>>>>> especially if it was clear that a break from the past was necessary to
>>>>> improve metadata quality from what the current standard can support.
>>>>> Obviously that would open up quite a number of questions that just might go
>>>>> beyond your own interest. ;-)
>>>>> John
>>>>> On Oct 11, 2021, at 1:02 PM, Chris Turner via Esip-documentation <
>>>>> esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> I'm curious about any movement or interest to update the ACDD. I know
>>>>> that v1.3 is 6 years old, and the ESIP wiki makes it looks like there
>>>>> hasn't been interest or discussion in this since 2017. Is there still any
>>>>> intent to develop v2.0?
>>>>> My sudden interest in this comes from the need to include identifiers
>>>>> (ORCID, ResearchID, AuthorID, etc) for the person listed in the creator
>>>>> attributes and the people listed in the contributor attributes. I'd like to
>>>>> do this in a community-vetted way, but but if there isn't an active
>>>>> community working on ACDD anymore, we can look at including these
>>>>> attributes in one of the netCDF community profiles - probably the the IOOS
>>>>> metadata profile
>>>>> <https://ioos.github.io/ioos-metadata/ioos-metadata-profile-v1-2.html>
>>>>> .
>>>>> Thanks for whatever you can tell me.
>>>>> - Chris
>>>>> --
>>>>> Chris Turner
>>>>> Data Librarian | Axiom Data Science
>>>>> chris at axiomdatascience.com <chris at axiomalaska.com>
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>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>> John Graybeal
>>>>> Administrator—ESIP Community Ontology Repository
>>>>> jbgraybeal at sonic.net
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>>> --
>>> Mathew Biddle, Data Management Analyst
>>> US Integrated Ocean Observing System Office
>>> 1315 East-West Highway
>>> Silver Spring MD 20910
>>> ORCiD: 0000-0003-4897-1669 <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4897-1669>
>>> *Contractor, Integrated Systems Solutions*
>>> http://www.ioos.noaa.gov/
>>> ----------------------
>>> John Graybeal
>>> Administrator—ESIP Community Ontology Repository
>>> jbgraybeal at sonic.net
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>> Esip-documentation mailing list
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> ----------------------
> John Graybeal
> Administrator—ESIP Community Ontology Repository
> jbgraybeal at sonic.net
> _______________________________________________
> Esip-documentation mailing list
> To start a new topic: Esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org
> To unsubscribe and manage prefs:
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Mathew Biddle, Data Management Analyst
US Integrated Ocean Observing System Office
1315 East-West Highway
Silver Spring MD 20910

ORCiD: 0000-0003-4897-1669 <https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4897-1669>
*Contractor, Integrated Systems Solutions*
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