[Esip-drone] Welcome & First Telecon: March 17th 4pm-5pm ET

Wyngaard, Jane R (398M-Affiliate) Jane.R.Wyngaard at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Mar 3 19:15:15 EST 2016

Thanks Bill!

Some items related to the March agenda:
1. NASA summer 2016 internship on Data Management for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
- Application period closed yesterday. A total of 18 applications were received; we're reviewing.
- As planned, the selected intern will be able to engage with interested ESIP groups. So, if the Drone Cluster is interested ... :-)
Definitely, will he/she perhaps be able to attend the ESIP Summer meeting?

- Focus of internship is on data management, thus related to agenda item #1.
2. ASPRS DPAC (Data Preservation and Archiving Committee) will be formally releasing a ~beta version of the ASPRS Aerial Data Portal at its 2016 annual meeting in April. Currently, the Portal is intended for aerial collections (of the dark kind). I've brought up the possibility of including drone data in the Portal; but, after discussion, the sense of DPAC is that, if it were to do something with drone data, it should be a separate--and likely major--effort from the current Portal. Also, there are likely other similar efforts ongoing or being planned. So, just something for the Drone Cluster to keep in mind. This is related to agenda item #2.
3. Cody Benkelman of Esri is a member of DPAC. Out of that discussion on the inclusion of drone data in the Portal, Cody will be presenting on Esri and UAS at the March DPAC meeting; something related to drone data in ArcGIS, data ingest, management, [maybe analysis], and sharing. He'll probably also talk about Esri's new Drone2Map. I've requested opening that meeting to external participants. Date is also March 17, time is 12 noon ET. I'll send the connection information later.
Thanks, would be great to have access!

4. fyi: http://s3.amazonaws.com/ImageManagementWorkflowsTeam/UAV_Documentation/UAV_WorkflowsArcGIS.pdf
(I forgot if I'd sent this previously ...)

I'd really like to get an informal survey on a issue related to this - is the fact that ESRI is a paid for service a barrier to anyone in the broader community, yourself or students/others at perhaps less well funded but worthy institutions who you work with?   The question is really two fold as it obviously relates to the broader question on the need/lack thereof for open source drone analytics tools, and also to ESRI specifically which is very ingrained within this community as opposed to other new commercial drone offerings.  Perhaps something people can chip in on during the telecom and/or welcome to email me/this list.

Looking forward to talking more all,


Jane Wyngaard, Ph.D
Postdoctoral scholar
Instrument software and science data systems Section (398)

University of Southern California
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive MS: 158-256D
Pasadena, CA 91109

Phone:  818/354-6237
Email: Jane.R.Wyngaard at jpl.nasa.gov


On 03/03/2016 04:56 PM, Lindsay Barbieri via Esip-drone wrote:
Hello Drone Cluster,

Thank you all for signing up, and please feel free to continue to use this list serve for any drone-based conversation, questions and sharing!

We will be having our First(ish) Official Telecon:

March 17th at 4pm-5pm ET / 1pm-2pm PT
(and future telecons will be the third Thursday of the month, 4-5 ET / 1-2 PT)
**Go-To Meeting will be used. Log on information will be provided in a follow up email next week**

Our agenda for the first telecon will be:

  *   A continuation of our Winter Meeting discussion around the development (and future) of UAS data standards and guidelines.
  *   Discussing the development of a catalog of relevant resources for UAS-based Earth Science research.
  *   Community input on an EarthCube proposal for enabling UAS use for the Earth Sciences

If you are unable to make this telecon time, but are keen to participate in our telecons, please let us know and we can discuss the possibility of rescheduling.

Your Drone Cluster Co-Chairs,
Lindsay Barbieri (Bar)
Jane Wyngaard

Lindsay Barbieri
PhD Student, Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources
Gund Institute for Ecological Economics | University of Vermont
617 Main Street  Burlington, Vermont 05405 USA

Esip-drone mailing list
Esip-drone at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:Esip-drone at lists.esipfed.org>http://lists.deltaforce.net/mailman/listinfo/esip-drone


* Bill Teng, Ph.D.                   |  William.L.Teng at nasa.gov<mailto:William.L.Teng at nasa.gov>        *
* Goddard Earth Sciences DISC        |  (301) 614-5164 (voice)         *
* (ADNET Systems, Inc.)              |  (301) 614-5268 (fax)           *
* NASA Goddard Space Flight Center   |  http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/     *
* Code 610.2                         |                                 *
* Greenbelt. MD. 20771  U.S.A.       |                                 *

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