[Esip-drupal] Drupal Working Group telecon this Wednesday... getting ready for the winter meeting and beyond
Bruce Caron
bruce at tnms.org
Mon Dec 17 15:40:50 EST 2012
Hello ESIP Drupalistas
Here’s some news from/about the Working Group:
Our telecon is this wednesday, 11am PST (2 pm EST).
If you are asked for a password, enter the access code: 23128757 with no
spaces or #.
To join the audio portion of the Conference meeting with the phone:
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493
Attendee access code: 23128757#
We will be discussing plans for the Winter meeting and beyond!
IF you have a short DEMO you want to do at the Winter meeting... please let
me know. We are in the process of inviting a large Drupal Distro
corporation in the DC area to talk about their Drupal work...
We will be having elections for the working group chair and vice chair. If
you are interested in stepping up to help lead the working group, now is a
good time to announce this. We lost our co-chair early in the year.
There is now a “Science on Drupal” community on Google+
You probably got an invitation... if not, just ask for one! If you want to
be a moderator... let me know!
We are looking to do a Session at DrupalCon Portland in May. If you want
to do a talk as a part of this session... let me know ASAP!
We have some funds to invite a top-level Drupal geek to the summer lab. I
will see if Webchick can make it. If you have others to recommend, please
send me an email with contact info.
Talk to you on Wednesday,
Bruce Caron, PhD
New Media Studio
417 Samarkand Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
(805)966 1100
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