[Esip-drupal] April ESIP Drupal Working Group demo: online video

Bruce Caron bruce at tnms.org
Thu May 2 15:52:36 EDT 2013

Hello Drupalistas and ESIP interoperability folks,

Here is the online video from last month's Drupal WG call:


David Bassendine demo.  Thanks David!

Visualizing data feeds - opening up remote data with Drupal
Raw data are hard to view, navigate and understand in context. In this
demo, we'll walk through setting up an automatic feed from a remote data
source, mapping the data into Drupal, then overlaying a dynamic JavaScript
front end. We'll quickly create a presentation layer for data that's
accessible and understandable for humans, not just machines.

Remember NO CALL in MAY (See u at DrupalCon!).

JUNE call will look at recent advances and issues with Drupal and Semantic



Bruce Caron, PhD
New Media Studio
417 Samarkand Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
(805)966 1100
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