[Esip-drupal] Wed, May 28th Telecon - ESIP Summer Drupal Lab Discussion
Adam Shepherd via Esip-drupal
esip-drupal at lists.esipfed.org
Wed May 21 13:17:54 EDT 2014
Hi fellow Drupalists,
We are 7 weeks away from the ESIP Summer Meeting!! (woot woot) Next Wednesday, May 28th, at 2pm CST we will be having our monthly telecon to finalize planning for the ESIP Drupal Summer Lab. We need your help! Based on the outcomes of the ESIP Drupal Lab Survey results (https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-TSM3TBY/), we will discuss ideas for talks, working groups, discussion modules and code sprints to fit into the ESIP Summer Meeting schedule (found at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArDAFB2BsbfRdEI1NGtUa2tpNFdlODlWUDJGNHZYeHc&usp=drive_web#gid=1). Notice that we are split between Tuesday and Friday, but that doesn't mean we can't informally gather throughout the week. Your feedback is SUPER important to making the Summer Lab meaningful to you and your work projects and interest.
Also, we are REALLY excited to have these two amazing leaders in their field come out to Frisco to join us:
Greg Knaddison (aka greggles) joining us on Tuesday morning all the way from the Denver area to discuss Web Application Security in Drupal, and
Brandon Morrison (aka brandonian) joining us on Friday morning from the DC area to discuss Drupal + Maps + Data Visualization
Finally, if you are interested in presenting at the ESIP Drupal Summer Lab, it is a great opportunity to give back to the community but also to get feedback on projects from a community who is there to support you and help you succeed. No time limit required for the amount of content to present. Just get in touch with me, or speak up at the telecon!
So, attend the telecon, get your virtual milk and cookies, and together let's create a great Drupal Summer Lab!
cheers, Adam
More Information: http://commons.esipfed.org/2014SummerMeeting
Here is the Google spreadsheet where we are planning the Drupal Summer Lab (different doc from the overall Summer Meeting schedule above):
Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Time: 2:00 pm, Central Standard Time (3:00 pm EST, noon PST)
Webex URL: https://esipfed.webex.com/mw0401l/mywebex/default.do?siteurl=esipfed&service=1
Meeting Password: 23136782
Attendee access code: 231 367 82
To Join the online portion of the Personal Conference meeting
1. Go to https://esipfed.webex.com
2. Click the “Meeting Center” tab
3. Select the "Drupal Telecon" meeting
If a password is required, enter the Meeting Password: 23136782
To start the audio portion of the Personal Conference meeting w/ phone
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): +1-408-600-3600
Call-in toll number (US/Canada)*: +1-571-918-6008
Global call-in numbers: https://esipfed.webex.com/esipfed/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=9910728&tollFree=1
Toll-free dialing restrictions: http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf
Attendee access code: 231 367 82
* Call-in toll number (US/Canada) should only be used if the primary number does not work.
ESIP Drupal Working Group
Co-Chair: David Bassendine (david at bluedotlab.org)
Co-Chair: Adam Shepherd (ashepherd at whoi.edu)
The Working Group gathers for monthly Telecons on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 2pm CST
Mailing List: esip-drupal at lists.esipfed.org
Website: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Drupal_Working_Group
d.o: https://groups.drupal.org/esip
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