[Esip-drupal] Question about State-based Permissions in Content Workflow

Charlie Roberts - NOAA Affiliate via Esip-drupal esip-drupal at lists.esipfed.org
Tue Dec 9 16:13:00 EST 2014

I'm using Workbench Moderation and had the same requirement, but also
needed to restrict the publishing of each content type to a different role.

To start, I used the (mostly) undocumented configuration setting to enable
per-content-type permissions for moderation state transitions.  See:

Then, I created a custom module that only allows editing if the user has
permission to change the current moderation state.  For example, I can give
EditorA permissions to move ContentTypeA from draft to needs-review state.
But if they don't have permissions to move it from needs-review to
something else, then edit access is automatically removed.  This was
implemented via the node_access hook, similar to the patch you referenced.

On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Ritrivi, Anthony J. (GSFC-610.2)[ADNET
SYSTEMS INC] via Esip-drupal <esip-drupal at lists.esipfed.org> wrote:

>  Hello all,
> We are implementing content management workflows in Drupal 7.x using the
> Workbench Access and Workbench Moderation modules. The issue we were facing
> is the lack of ability to define permissions at a state level (draft -> in
> review -> publish). We need to control what roles can edit the content at a
> given state so that once someone assigned to the Authoring role has pushed
> the content to “in review” he can no longer edit the content unless the
> Reviewer role returns it to “draft”.  The way Workbench Moderation is set
> up now, the original author can sneak in another change just before the
> reviewer publishes the content.
> This issue has been pointed out by many in the Drupal community but the
> maintainers  of Workbench Moderation claim that it “works as designed” and
> do not considered this a problem (https://www.drupal.org/node/1296216)
> .   I installed a module called  Workbench State Access
> <https://drupal.org/project/workbench_state_access> which provides the
> granular permission to each role according to state but it is buggy and did
> not work. This module is also not officially part of the Workbench suite
> (as the name seems to indicate) so it’s lack of functionality does not
> surprise me.
> We did install the patch mentioned in the post above and it resolved our
> problem, but I was wondering what others in the ESIP Drupal group are doing
> to handle their workflows.  I have also used the Workflow module along with
> the Revisioning module but found the end-user experience to be confusing
> and the role permissions were complicated to setup between the two modules.
> Thanks for any feedback.
> Tony Ritrivi
> Web Developer
> NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center
> Building 32, 610.2, Greenbelt,MD
> 301-614-5091
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Charlie Roberts
Software Engineer
NCDC Government Contractor
National Climatic Data Center
151 Patton Ave.
Asheville, NC 28801-5001charlie.roberts at noaa.gov
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