[Esip-drupal] Next week: DOIs for Drupal Documents, Summer Lab preparation

David Bassendine david at bluedotlab.org
Fri Apr 17 11:25:39 EDT 2015

Hi ESIP Drupalistas,

On Wednesday we'll build on last month's DOI discussion, with "DOIs for
Drupal Documents" - an exciting project proposal in our Citation track
presented by Janine Aquino of UCAR and the Earth Observing Laboratory

We're also gearing up for the Summer Lab this July, so if you have any
great ideas for speakers or a session proposal of your own - now's the time
to bring them to the table! Any ideas, input or feedback is very much

Join us Wednesday 22nd April at 3pm ET - see you there! David

*DOIs for Drupal Documents*

In Janine's words: "EOL has a need to create and display DOIs for citable
web-hosted documentation. I will share some of the examples that have
surfaced at EOL that document this need. Please come prepared to share your

It will be helpful for me to treat this task as a formal project within the
ESIP-Drupal working group. If we have clear objectives, deliverables, and
timelines, I can more easily obtain permission to work on the project.
Would this be helpful to others, or is this overkill?

Finally, I will share some of the ideas for solutions that we have been
discussing, and would like us to do some brainstorming on possible next
steps, so come prepared with your ideas."

*Summer Lab*

We'll discuss the results of our survey on our focus area for the Summer
Lab, 3 small funding awards to attend, and the creation of different
"tracks" as a focus for webinars, Lab seminars and code sprint efforts.

Bring along your ideas for format, topics, speakers or even your own
session or lightning talk proposals, and we'll build these into our
planning for the event in July.
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